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Intensity and strength, Westside Method - Second part

Westside and Crossfit

In practice the Westside Conjugated involves training cycles lasting 3 weeks for speed and strength force explosive, and 2 weeks for combined strength and speed work.

Simple, isn't it?

A tried and tested method for strength: what it consists of and how it is planned

In its original form, the Simmons method uses different rockers and riser variants to work with ceilings that are therefore different. The raised volume changes every week, given the differences in performance in the risers made with the different barbells and with the addition of elastic bands.

The ceiling of front squat it will therefore be different from that of squats performed with safety bar and, of course, from that of traditional squat.

The method requires try the ceilings two days a week: reserving one day for squats and deadlift, and one to that of flat bench.

He also recommends separating the speed workout by 3 days from the maximum of the same lift.

Louie Simmons assures us that all his experience has flowed into the design, planning and refinement of the Westside Conjugated Method. And that of the hundreds of powerlifters who trained at Westside Barbell.

"An odyssey of pain, work and experimentation lasting 40 years" - his words.

Long-term planning with the Westside Conjugated Method

La long-term planning - also annual - it allows not only to avoid physical adaptation to different exercises, but also to take into account the athlete's recovery times.

Load volumes are calculated on a percentage basis, combining the actual weight of the balance wheel withresistance effect of elastic bands. This is how you work on eccentric and concentric phase of the lift.

The obsessive refinement of the technique is also a fundamental element in reducing the risk of accident.

By the time Simmons develops the method, he already has almost 30 years of experience behind him powerlifting competitive.

And it is clear that the key to success lies in the combination of scientific knowledge, the biomechanics of the athlete and ... mathematics.

The system to "where” provides, in fact, that having successfully completed a training period integrated with accessory work to strengthen the deficient muscle groups, one is able to make a new ceiling.

A complete range of exercises

We spend a word on exercises that make up the training card, so do a technical review before facing the workouts.

The method includes these main risers

These exercises are designed with the relative variations (use of elastic bands and specialized barbells), while supplemental exercises literally pillage the arsenal of the old school bodybuilder.

In support of the exercises are to be included sessions of work dedicated to the abdominals and conditioning.

In 'last episode of this article we will see how the workouts of the Westside Conjugated Method are structured and how a training period is made up.


Crossfit Training, Inc. 2016. Crossfit Specialty Course: Conjugate Methods Training Guide. Accessed 20 February 2019.
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