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Skipping rope: how long should it be?

I benefits of a jump rope are really significant: helps improve muscle performance, coordination, the cardiovascular system and, why not, even lose weight.

Whatever the reason you buy a rope, you need to choose the right length. Don't know how to do it? Well, we'll see it shortly.

How long should the jump rope be?

If you use a rope too long or too short, you will jump badly; you will stumble, stop frequently and run the risk of falling.

You know what that means? Already! You may get discouraged pretty quickly.

Here's why it is It is important to find the right rope length for your skills and height.

How to measure the rope?

Finding the right jump rope length is easy.

Basta climb to the center of the rope and stretch it. The ends should reach the armpits, not counting each handle.

This will give you a rough measure of the length of the rope that works best for you.

If the rope is still hitting your feet when trying it, it means that it is still a little short, you need to choose a longer one so that you can jump more easily.

If it drags on the ground, you will need a shorter rope.

Ok, but what happens if I order the rope online?

Of course, in this case it is not possible to test or measure it, but there are some tricks!

How to calculate the length of a jump rope: the easiest way

Let's start with a simple general approach, which is good for entry level people. Usually you have to adding 90 cm to your height, however, is a fairly rough technique.

You will certainly need to perfect it according to your movements and your needs.

Below is a table for choosing a jump rope based on your height:

Height from 120 cm to 145 cm - rope length 215 cm

Height from 160 cm to 180 cm - rope length 245 cm

Height from 180 cm to 200 cm - rope length 300 cm

Height over 200 cm - rope length 335 cm

A curiosity? Rope training is a perfect exercise to burn a lot of calories. Think about it, 15 minutes of jumping rope equals about 30 minutes of running!

What are the types of skipping ropes?

A rope is a rope, what do you want me to change?

This is where you are wrong!

The choices are many and the difference lies mainly in three aspects: material, shape and weight.


Typically, jump ropes are made of hemp rope wrapped in plastic or steel cables also covered with vinyl.

The twine is lighter and easier to handle, but less resistant to the ravages of time or use on more difficult terrain such as roads and pavements.

In reverse, steel jump ropes are more strong and durable.


The thinner the cable, the better it is for speed jumps.

On the other hand, thicker cables are slower and less suited to double unders, but they are more durable.

It's you you train hard and always want to push your limits, choose a thinner rope!

Weight :

For the beginners, a slightly heavier string is better, which provides greater motion control.

If you are more expert, you will surely be fine with thin strings: you will gain momentum and speed!


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