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Lowlands Throwdown 2019: winners, Top 10 and WOD

It was certainly the Lowlands Throdown that we expected: at the Omnisport of Apeldoorn to lord it was a parterre of athletes looking for the coup, the desire to prevail in the head-to-head and the uncertainty until the end. Two races out of three were decided at the last WOD, with some reversals in front of them that they wowed.


The only exception is between the teams, where Barebells Prepared he dominated from start to finish, bringing 670 home points on the available 700 and leaving the crumbs to others. Rocambolesca instead the comeback of Ryan Sowder that with the defaillance of Cedric Lapointe in the last WOD he brought home the ticket for i CrossFit Games this summer, an event in which he will participate for the first time in his career. Plot similar to the feminine for Alice Mille: the Swede risked compromising her chances with the 14 in place in the penultimate event but then she was able to overturn the situation by overtaking in the final CrossMag's friend Manon Angonese, in distress between Rope Climb and barbell, leaving a bitter taste in your mouth once again Sharkgirl.


Two new faces in that of Madison who sweated the proverbial seven shirts in the Dutch three days, disentangling himself between WOD really complete and often from the rather selective time cap; waiting for the latest verdicts from the next French Throwdown to complete the list of participants. Here are the Top 10 and WODs that engaged athletes.

Elite M - Top 10

1 - Ryan Sowder - United States (Ft. Wright CrossFit)

2 - Cedric Lapointe - Canada (CrossFit 819)

3 - Giorgos Karavis - Greece (Comradery CrossFit)

4 - John Coltey - United States (CrossFit Laminin)

5 - Zack George - United Kingdom (CrossFit BFG)

6 - Viktor Långsved - Sweden (CrossFit Prestanda)

7 - AJ Visser - South Africa (CrossFit Brackenfell)

8 - Fabian Beneito Selles - Spain (CrossFit Alzira)

9 - Jake Breman - United States (CrossFit Perimeter)

10 - Sam stewart - Ireland (CrossFit Ireland)

Elite F - Top 10

1 - Alice Mille - Sweden (CrossFit Walleye)

2 - Manon Angonese - Belgium (Ano CrossFit Rochefort)

3 - Siri Røhmesmo - Belgium (Silvius Brabo CrossFit)

4 - Hilary Steele - United States (Starr Strenght)

5 - Filippa Ferm - Sweden (CrossFit Fabriken)

6 - Tayla Howe - United Kingdom (CrossFit SA1)

7 - Angelica Bengtsson - Sweden (CrossFit Falun Mandagsklubben)

8 - Whitney Stephenson - United States (Opex)

9 - Anna Viggedal - Sweden (CrossFit Nordic)

10 - Nina Kühler - Germany (CrossFit Aachen)


Day 1


In 8 minutes: 1600m running


In 3 minutes: 9-6-3 reps from Sprint + Sandbag Cleans 70 / 45kg


Day 2


In 10 minutes: 1500 / 1000m on Concept 2 Bike and 3 reps of 10 Dumbbell snatches and 10 Burpee box Jump overs


In 4 minutes: 12-9-6 reps from Thrusters 55 / 40kg and Bar Muscle Ups

2 pause minutes before the 19.5 part


In 4 minutes: 21-12-9 reps from Thrusters 35-25kg and Chest-to-bar pull-ups


Day 3


In 16 minutes: 50-40-30-20-10 reps of GHD Sit-ups, 10m Handstand walk and alternating Pistols


In 4 minutes: 4 Rope climbs, 4 Clean & Jerks 115/80, 2 Rope climbs, 2 Clean & Jerks 125/90


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