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Maximize glute development: Avoid these 4 common mistakes

You are curious to find out how to get a strong and well-defined bottom? You are in the right place! Today we will discover how to maximize the development of the glutes while avoiding some mistakes!

In addition to aesthetic appearance, well-developed buttocks play a crucial role in athletic performance and can significantly contribute to the prevention of back and hip pain.

Here are 4 mistakes to avoid for optimal results:

Mistake 1: the choice of exercises

The main function of the gluteus maximus is hip extension, or the action of pushing the hips forward.

Many exercises calledfor the buttocks" available online either neglect hip extension entirely, focusing on the smaller gluteal muscles, or integrate hip extension without facilitating progression to heavier weights over time.

The optimal exercises for the buttocks are those that They specifically target hip extension and allow you to progressively increase weight.

These include i back squats, leg presses, i Bulgarian split squats, deadlifts and hip thrusts.

Mistake 2: Focusing too much on quads

The second common mistake is give too much importance to quadriceps at the expense of the buttocks.

For example, on leg press, positioning the foot higher on the platform and limiting each repetition to the moment the knees reach a 90-degree angle allows you to keep the shins vertical to the foot.

This modification places more emphasis on hip extension, prioritizing activation of the glutes over the quadriceps. This technique can be applied to unilateral leg exercises such as single-leg presses, push-ups and Bulgarian splits.

Mistake 3: Lower back dominance

In some exercises dedicated to the development of the glutes, a frequent mistake is the predominance of the lower back and legs hamstring at the expense of optimal gluteal activation.

This is especially true in the case of Romanian deadlift, an excellent exercise for shaping the buttocks. Often, practitioners focus excessively on the lower back and hamstrings, thus compromising the expected results.

To fix this error, it is recommended to introduce a slight bending of the knee during the execution of the movement.

This modification promotes greater hip extension, thus placing greater emphasis on glute activation. Furthermore, it is crucial respect a range of motion suited to your mobility individual.

Watching your movement in the mirror, identify the point at which your hips stop moving backward on the way down, and be sure to end each rep at that point.

By adjusting your technique in this way, you will ensure optimal stress on the glutes and prevent other muscle groups from taking over too much.

Mistake 4: not varying the exercises

One of the common mistakes is not to vary the exercises. It's crucial to include exercises that target your glutes in different ways.

In fact, variation in your workout routine is crucial to maximizing glute development. Focusing on only one type of exercise can lead to rapid muscle adaptation, thus reducing potential gains.

Integrate a variety of exercises such as push ups, squats, deadlifts and hip thrusts allow you to stress the gluteal muscles at different angles, thus promoting harmonious growth and better definition.

By incorporating this variety, you'll create a solid foundation for sculpted, performing glutes!

Photo credits: Matteo – the dreamer
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