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Metabolic stall: 9 tips to get out of it

The term "metabolism"Describes all chemical reactions of the body, that keep it alive and functioning; this word is also used to define the number of calories introduced and burned by the body: the more calories you burn, the easier it is to lose weight and stay in control.

Anyone who has followed a diet knows that at some point the weight begins to drop slowly until it reaches a stalemate; this condition known as "metabolic stall"Occurs when the body gets used to the energy and nutrient intake and responds through metabolic adaptation to allow proper functioning even in conditions of energy deficiency.

What can we do when we are in a metabolic deadlock? Let's find out together!

Eat protein with every meal

It sounds paradoxical, but eating helps boost metabolism for a few hours; this is called the heat effect of food and is caused by the extra calories needed to digest, absorb and process nutrients.

Le protein they cause the highest thermal effect and help to feel satiety more.

Drink lots of water

People who drink a lot water instead of other drinks they have a better chance of success in the diet.

Sugary drinks contain a lot of calories and replacing them with water is certainly a recommended choice to reduce daily calorie intake.

Doing high intensity training

THEhigh intensity interval training (HIIT) involves rapid and intense explosive activities; this workout can lead to more fat burning by increasing your metabolic rate, even after your workout is finished.

Weght lifting

Muscle is metabolically more active than fat, and building muscle can help boost metabolism and get out of the deadlock.

Alternate weight lifting with hiit training sessions seems like the winning strategy for losing weight and maintaining results over time.

Stand up more often

Sitting too long is not healthy; very few calories are burned and this leads to weight gain. If the work you do is sedentary, take short breaks to get up regularly, your metabolism will thank you!

Get a good night's sleep

Lack of sleep is related to a significant increase in the risk of obesity; sleeping little and badly causes levels to increase cup sugar in the blood and resistance insulin, both conditions related to the risk of developing type 2 diabetes.

Drink green tea

Several studies have shown that using green tea helps increase metabolism because it converts some of the fat stored in the body into free fatty acids, which can increase fat burning.

Eat spicy foods

Chilli contains capsaicin, a substance that helps unblock metabolism and accelerates it; certainly the spicy taste must be liked and above all to have some considerable effect the quantity of spicy must be high.

Drink coffee

Caffeine, like the theine contained in green tea, helps speed up metabolism and promotes fat burning. The effects of coffee on metabolism and fat burning can also contribute to successful weight loss and maintenance.

And you, have you ever found yourself in a metabolic deadlock? Let us know in the comments!

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