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More: 6 Health Benefits You Didn't Expect

Blackberries offer tons of health benefits; are full of vitamin C, K, manganese, and fiber help improve brain health.

In addition to their sour taste, but sweet at the same time and delicious, they are truly a marvel for health and it is good to eat lots of them during the summer season.

Una cup of raw blackberries has only 62 calories, 1 gram of fat and 14 carbohydrates; this fruit also has a low glycemic index and is very easy to fit into a balanced meal plan.

Let's see together the main benefits of this fruit.

They are rich in vitamin C

One cup of blackberries contains 31 milligrams of vitamin C, half the recommended daily allowance.

Vitamin C is involved in the formation of collagen in bones, connective tissue and blood vessels; in addition, it can help heal wounds by regenerating the skin, eg absorb iron, to reduce flu symptoms and decrease the body's oxidative stress.

 They are rich in fiber

Una cup of blackberries contains 8 grams of fiber. Most people don't get enough fiber in their diet.

A low-fiber diet has been linked to digestive problems such as bloating, constipation and stomach pain.

Increasing your daily fiber intake can contribute to:

They are an excellent source of vitamin K.

Una cup of blackberries provides 29 micrograms of vitamin K, over a third of the recommended daily value.

Vitamin K is the main reason why you don't bleed profusely after a cut or wound; it also plays an important role in metabolism bone.

Vitamin K deficiency can lead to bone thinning and fractures and can cause bruising, menstrual bleeding, and blood in the stool and urine.

They contain manganese

Una cup of blackberries contains 0,9 milligrams of manganese, half the recommended daily value. Manganese is a mineral that is essential for bone development and the immune system.

It also helps the body to metabolize carbohydrates, amino acids and cholesterol, to prevent osteoporosis, manage blood sugar levels and reduce seizures.

They improve brain health

Eating berries such as blackberries can help prevent memory loss caused by aging.

The antioxidants found in berries help fight free radicals and alter the way neurons communicate with each other.

This helps reduce brain inflammation, which can lead to cognitive and motor problems in old age.

They help support oral health

Blackberry extract contains antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties useful against certain types of bacteria that cause oral diseases.

According to some recent research eating blackberries regularly could help prevent and control gum disease and tooth decay.

And you, do you eat blackberries in the summer? Let us know in the comments!

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