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Pietrasanta Beach Throwdown 2023: results, top 3 and final wod

The sand thins out on the sea of ​​Versilia and there Pietrasanta Beach Throwdown 2023 comes to an end. As we have already anticipated in the pre-race interviewit was a great show.

The Tuscan competition par excellence crowned Andrea Ferrero and Alessandra Conzo (in the Elite categories), after two days of very high intensity rehearsals on 3 floors scattered along the seafront.

Iacopo, Nicola and Alberto put together an unprecedented event organized to perfection with more than positive feedback from the participating athletes.

Photo by Giada Braccini


Athletes of all divisions have been tested on all skills, starting from weightlifting, endurance and gymnastics thanks to well-studied, complete and challenging workouts, which they enjoyed – and tired – all present.

In total they were 4 WOD + the final (where only 12 athletes per category passed), except the Elite, who performed 5 wod + final.

We were there and we have interviewed for you EVERY WINNER of the batteries; you will find them all on “Video” section of our Instagram (make sure you go and have a peek, because they are gorgeous!).

One of the highlights of this weekend was the complex of force (Pizzo delle Saette) where athletes were asked to find the Rep Max (RM) of these skills: squat clean, power clean and thruster).

Photo by Daria Sasanelli

We have witnessed (and filmed!) crazy lifts like i 133kg by Gianmaria Bolognesi, 130kg by Matteo Pinazzi, but also the 80kg by Rachele Mammoliti…crazy stuff!


Saw the show we enjoyed like Official Media Partner, we already can't wait to live next year's edition, but in the meantime let's retrace the Final WOD and TOP 3 of all categories:


Time cap 7 mins

Top 3 winners in each category

Teen 14/17 men

  1. Rinaldi Andrea (Crossfit Zancle Messina)
  2. Longo Simone (Primalstrong box)
  3. Gambarelli Thomas (Crossfit The Hole)

Experience Man

  1. Righetti Alberto (Next Level Box)
  2. Mignucci Fabio (CrossFit Frascati)
  3. Bellicini Giorgio (CrossFit Bag)

Experience Woman

  1. Celle Lucia (CrossFit the Superb)
  2. Boetto Ludovica (Box Rebels Biella)
  3. Roberto Manuela (Box Birimbao)

Regular Man

  1. Pirani Alberto (Box Olab)
  2. Cicada Mario (Crossfit Posillipo)
  3. Malagnino Riccardo (Box Praetorians Crossfight)

Regular Woman

  1. Groups Valentina (Box Medusa MTC)
  2. Martinuzzi Monica (Crossfit Black Phoenix)
  3. Charlotte Flowers (Crossfit MES3)

Masters 35 men

  1. Borzì Marco (Box Primalstrong)
  2. Litrenta Emanuele (CrossFit Aroma)
  3. Michael Bocchi (Box In Tal Garage)

Masters 35 women

  1. Barbarini Cristina (Crossfit Double Deuce)
  2. Griffo Elisa (Crossfit the Superb)
  3. Luzzetti Tiziana (Box DTL Legnano)

Masters 40 men

  1. Cesali Maurizio (Crossfit Crazy Boars)
  2. Casalino Andrea (Crossfit Ouroboros & Platyno)
  3. Barbagallo Daniele (Crossfit Catania)

Masters 40 women

  1. Manzi Chiara (CrossFit Lario)
  2. Idini Fabiana (Crossfit Casalotti)
  3. Caraffini Cristina (All Ways Parma box)

Masters 45 men

  1. Bini Emanuele (Crossfit Viadana)
  2. Alessandro Guerzoni (CrossFit Modena)
  3. Simone Maggiali (Crossfit White Thunder)

Masters 45 women

  1. Sanfilippo Laura
  2. Galeotti Francesca

Masters 50 men

  1. David Bernini (Crossfit White Thunder)
  2. Tufo Angelo (Crossfit Darsena)
  3. Marco Tavernelli (Crossfit Massa)

Masters 50 women

  1. Need Valentina
  2. Capedri Laura (Crossteve box)
  3. Forin Fiorella (Crossfit Ardeatino)

Elite Men

  1. Andrea Ferrero (Crossfit Verbania)
  2. Pinazzi Matteo (Crossfit Arctos)
  3. Catholic Alexander (Crossfit Arctos)
Photo by Bodo

Elite Women

  1. Conzo Alessandra (Crossfit Posillipo)
  2. D'Antuomo Marika (Crossfit Garbagnate Milanese)
  3. Mammoliti Rachele (Crossfit Hephaestus)
Photo by Bodo

Interview with the organizers

At the end of the race we even managed to have a chat with the organizers. Here is the full video:

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