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Power clean: muscles involved

The power clean is a very popular and powerful weightlifting exercise; it is a complex movement that It involves different muscle groups and is used by athletes and lifters to improve strength force, power and coordination.

In this article, we'll explore the main muscles involved in the power clean and the benefits this exercise can offer.

What is it and what are the muscles involved in the power clean?

The power clean is an Olympic weightlifting that involves a combination of explosive strength, speed, and coordination. During the power clean motion, you lift the weight off the ground up to your shoulders in one smooth motion.

Here are the main muscles involved in the power clean:

  1. QuadricepsI quadriceps are the muscles located on the front of the thigh. During the power clean, the quadriceps are activated to extend the knees and generate the force needed to lift the weight off the ground. Knee extension is a crucial part of the power clean movement.
  2. Hamstrings: the hamstrings are the hamstrings of the thigh. They are involved in the power clean to extend the hip and generate power on the lift. Hip extension is a key movement that lifts weight and transfers it upwards.
  3. Buttocks: i buttocks they are the muscles in your butt and are involved in hip extension during the power clean. They play an important role in generating power and acceleration during movement.
  4. abdominal: The abdominalmuscles, including the rectus abdominis, oblique muscles, and transversus abdominis muscles, are activated to stabilize the trunk during the power clean. Maintaining a solid and stable trunk is essential for transferring strength from the legs to the arms.
  5. DeltoidsI deltoids they are the shoulder muscles. In the power clean, the deltoids are activated during the lift of the weight, especially in the final phase where the weight is brought to the shoulders. They help stabilize the shoulders and lift the weight overhead.
  6. Trapezius: trapeze it is a muscle that extends from the neck down to the shoulders and upper back. In the power clean, the trapezius is engaged to lift and stabilize the weight on the shoulders.

In addition to the muscles mentioned above, the power clean also engages other muscle groups such as the biceps, wrist flexor muscles and core stabilizer muscles. However, the muscles listed above are the main ones that play a vital role in movement.

Power clean benefits

In addition to involving different muscle groups, the power clean offers numerous benefits:

  1. Increase in strength and power: The power clean is a high-intensity exercise that builds muscle strength and power. The use of heavy weights and explosive movement help increase muscle strength and power.
  2. Improved coordination and balance: The power clean requires good coordination between the upper and lower body. Practicing this exercise improves overall coordination and balance.
  3. Stimulation of the nervous system: the power clean involves the central nervous system in a significant way. This type of stimulation can improve neuromuscular coordination and movement efficiency.
  4. Overall muscle development: the power clean involves different muscle groups, allowing for an overall development of the body. This can contribute to better muscle symmetry and a more harmonious physical appearance.
  5. Increased bone density: lifting weights in an intense and progressive way as in the power clean can help increase bone density and reduce the risk of osteoporosis.

In conclusion…

The power clean is an exercise that engages multiple muscle groups and is effective for developing strength, power, and coordination.

The major muscles involved include the quadriceps, hamstrings, glutes, abs, deltoids, and trapezius. Adding the power clean to your training routine can lead to dramatic benefits for strength and athletic performance.

And you, did you know all these power clean benefits? Let us know in the comments and remember to follow us on our telegram channel


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