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Problems with Pull Ups? A definitive guide

Let's analyze one of the fundamental exercises for training the lats, namely i Pull ups or pull ups.

Probably the execution that will immediately come to your mind is the classic one where, hanging from a bar, you will try to simply pull your body upwards, going beyond the line of your handle with your chin.

Meanwhile, as you well know, simply it is by no means the most appropriate term, given the difficulty that this exercise involves.

Not only that: we will discover how they exist at least three macro-variants of this movement, each with its own peculiarities and enormous advantages that make them all absolutely valid, with all due respect to crossfit and calisthenics practitioners who do not always look favorably on those not frequently performed in their discipline.

Before continuing, it is important to consider two positions that will represent the cornerstones of all the variants of the tractions: hollow position e Arch back position.

hollow position

La hollow position it consists, from the position lying supine on the ground, in being able to keep the legs raised, with feet in plantar flexion, and the arms, with abduction and scapular depression, both extended.

The navel goes sucked and maintained towards the spine and the lumbar and dorsal area must remain on the ground, with retroversion of the pelvis.

Arch back position

Also called Arch Hold, this position modifies the starting station, which is lying on the ground but in a prone position, with the execution of an arch, lifting the legs and arms extended, with contraction of the buttocks and erectors of the column.

The variants of the Pull up

Entering therefore into the specifics of variants of the pull up, the first is certainly the most traditional, which we have always been used to performing, or seeing performed, since the dawn of time.

Strict pull ups

We are talking about Strict Pull-Ups, a technique that is not only extremely tiring and loved by calisthenics, but even more complicated than we are used to thinking.

Correct execution, in fact, requires one pinch (made with three fingers) prone, the one with a supine grip instead identifies i chin up, and an absolutely linear movement, without any heeling or oscillating movements with consequent important involvement of the core.

The positions to be maintained, constantly without interruption, are precisely those of Hollow or Arch, depending on your preferences and how you want to otherwise involve the muscle groups concerned.

But, in any case, the movement is slow, extremely composed and never absolutely oscillatory, and involves departure and arrival with fully extended arms.

Kipping Pull ups

The second variant is that of Kipping pull ups.

It involves a hip and swing, before the actual traction, that is a dynamic and explosive passage, with a kipping, that is oscillation, between an Arch and a Hollow position.

With the latter the pull will begin and will be maintained until the descent, at which time the hollow will be reversed to transform it into Arch and, with it, end the repetition to start over.

Butterfly pull ups

Another variant is that of Butterfly pull ups, where the inversion of the position between Hollow and Arch, does not occur at the end of the repetition, with arms extended, but just after the point of maximum traction, under the bar.

It therefore identifies a movementnto no longer oscillatory, as in kipping, but rotatory, without solution of continuity.

I pass from an Arch to a Hollow, pull up, as soon as I start to go down under the bar I go back to an Arch, as soon as I am with outstretched arms, I pass to a hollow to start again.

This technique allows a less effort, thanks to the dynamic component, and consequently a higher number of repetitions in absolute value.

However, what has just been written, is valid only in the case of a perfect execution of hip and swing, a factor that is absolutely not obvious.

Which variant is the most profitable?


Because it depends on what the intended objective is. The Strict pull ups, are strongly oriented towardsincrease of force and hypertrophic improvement, with high proprioceptive demand.

I Kipping and Butterfly they are certainly outstanding for increased muscle endurance and cardiovascular with an exceptional metabolic impact and with high coordination demand.

Obviously, personal preferences can remain but I believe that the athletes who can really provide an opinion on all types are only those who are able to perform them all perfectly.

Which does not happen very often!

Dr. Enzo Raco

Graduated with honors in Sport Sciences, he has been fitness manager and personal trainer manager for the largest fitness centers in Turin, for almost fifteen years.

Currently professor of sports nutrition courses, personal training and functional training for the Italian Fitness Academy, he practices the profession of personal trainer both in Turin and online.

Contacts: +39 3472551399


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