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Properties and uses of horsetail or horsetail

THEhorsetail arvense is the only one that can be used in the medicinal field, that is in phytotherapy, all the other species are toxic.

We find the horsetail like evergreen plant (in the Tropics) and tends to wither in temperate or mild zones. Its name derives from the term arvensis that is, rural.

It is a herbaceous plant known since Roman and Greek antiquity, especially for its effects diuretic and purifiers. But it is also a natural health remedy that is highly regarded in other cultures.

This plant is one of the oldest living organisms on Earth, it is also known as vegetable clay due to its properties due to its mineral composition which is rich in silicon salts.

Active ingredients in horsetail

The active ingredients present in horsetail are: silica (in the form of silicic acid in herbal teas), football, magnesium, potassium, saponin (equisetonin), flavone glycosides, small amounts of alkaloids and tannins.

Due to the presence of calcium in a molecular form available to our body, horsetail contributes to the "bone metabolism" and favors the remineralization of the osteo-articular system and hard tissues (such as bones, nails, teeth and hair, especially by helping against their fall).

Its intake is therefore indicated in case of nail fragility, hair loss, alopecia, osteoporosis, skeletal growth of adolescents, after-effects of fractures, arthrosis and tendonitis.


Horsetail, or horsetail, is also a diuretic so it is recommended in the treatment of eliminating metabolic waste and excess fluids resulting from subcutaneous water retention.

It is also capilloprotector due to its astringent action on blood vessels, useful against capillary fragility.

The healing property makes it an excellent tissue repairer and therefore it is used in the cosmetic field in the preparation of products against stretch marks, wrinkles and cellulite.

The horsetail it's known for its anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, antimicrobial and antioxidant properties. It also has a diuretic and astringent activity.

Over time it has been used to treat numerous ailments, including gingivitis, inflammation of the mucous membranes of the mouth, tonsillitis, acne, cold sores, skin inflammation and rheumatic problems.

It is considered particularly useful for treating disorders affecting the urinary tract, which can include bladder problems and kidney stone formation.

It can also be useful in cases of fragile bones, fractures, nosebleeds, hemorrhoids and muscle cramps. Additionally, horsetail helps strengthen the immune system.

In agriculture, however, it is used for natural preparations useful for feeding and defending plants from fungal diseases and parasites.

How to use the horsetail

We can consume it in various forms, for example:


To extract the greatest amount of this mineral, here is the recipe for making nails stronger.

Preparation. Soak in water at room temperature for 4 hours, after which boil over low heat for 20 minutes and leave to infuse for two hours.

Powder to dissolve or capsules

The quantity to be taken in the form of powder or capsules is 6 grams per day.

Ideal for deflation and as anti-cellulite, the powder is preferable to the extract because it retains all the active ingredients of the dried plant, especially the silicon salts, substances with a high remineralizing action.

Let's see in detail the ones of the horsetail:

Hair loss

THEhorsetail is considered useful to strengthen hair, prevent hair loss and support growth.

You can prepare a strong infusion of horsetail, using 2 or 3 tablespoons in a 250 ml cup of boiling water.

Let it sit for an hour, filter and use the liquid obtained to rinse your hair in the shower.

Sore throat

The infusion of horsetail is also considered useful in case of sore throat and red throat.

An infusion suitable for gargling is prepared. In this case, just pour a small amount of horsetail (1 or 2 teaspoons) into a cup of boiling water.

Leave to cool and filter. The advice to increase the disinfectant power is to add a pinch of salt or a few drops of lemon juice.

Bladder problems

The horsetail in herbal medicine is considered useful for taking healing baths, especially useful for those suffering from bladder problems, for example in case of inflammation.

In this case, 10 teaspoons of horsetail are poured into 1 liter of water. Let it sit for 10-15 minutes. Strain and pour into the bathtub.

Kidney stones

For the treatment of kidney stones and bladder stones it may be useful to prepare a decoction of horsetail.

You need to use 30 grams of horsetail (sterile stems) for 2,5 liters of water. The sterile drums are poured into a pot together with the water, brought to a boil and boiling for about ten minutes.

The dose is 2 cups a day (one in the morning and one in the evening) between main meals.

Sweating of the feet

For excessive sweating of the feet, horsetail-based foot baths can be used by preparing the decoction and adding it to the foot bath water, or by rubbing the feet with a mother tincture.

Dr. Shuela Curatola
Website: Nutrition
Facebook page: Shuela Curatola

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