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Recap Busto Throwdown 2024: Top Emotions and Performances at the E'work Arena

This weekend of 17-18 February 2024, the city of Busto Arsizio hosted an event that thrilled the hearts of CrossFit enthusiasts and athletes: the Busto Throwdown 2024 (BT24).

Thanks to the support of the Municipality of Busto, the E'work Arena was transformed into a spectacular stage where athletes of all levels demonstrated their force, endurance and competitive spirit.

The event saw the participation of key figures from the local community, including the director of Acof Cinzia Ghisellini, the Councilor for Sport Maurizio Artusa, and the Councilor for Urban Planning Giorgio Mariani, the latter is also a passionate CrossFit® practitioner.

Their presences underlined theThe importance of the Busto Throwdown not only as a sporting event, but also as a moment of aggregation and valorisation of the territory.

In a moment of sharing with the media, the Sports Councilor expressed his enthusiasm for the success of the event, underlining that “It is a pride for the city to host a competition of this caliber which promotes the values ​​of sport and community.”

Un special thanks goes to the tireless organizers Diego di Bernardi, Jacopo Bertolio and Piero Bertoldi, who were able to create an event of high quality, attention to detail and passion. The work of the Project Judges team guaranteed the fairness and integrity of the competition, a fundamental element for the success of any sporting tournament.

we at CrossMag, as official media partners, had the privilege of being present on the sidelines for the duration of the event, documenting every moment through interviews exclusive to the winners of each workout, available on our profile (so you can relive the emotions of the weekend!).

The results speak for themselves: the Busto Throwdown saw exceptional talent emerge in every category. Here are the winners:

Busto Throwdown 2024: winners of all categories

Experience category

Regular Category:

Master Category 35 men

1st Davide Scuderi, 2nd Emanuele Pavanello and 3rd Daniele Senigagliesi

Master 40 category

Elite category:

Let's conclude this recap thanking all the participants, organizers and sponsors for making such an extraordinary event possible. The Busto Throwdown wasn't just a competition, but a celebration of the essence of CrossFit®: community, determination and pushing your limits.

We are already waiting for the next edition, certain that it will be even more exciting and engaging! See you next time, crossfitters!


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