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Resilience or the strength of resilience?


The exponential growth of CrossFit®: around the world it gives us inspiration for many reflections; today we will focus on the psychological variables that influence this “new” sporting modality, in particular in resilience.

What is resilience? Where does this concept come from?

Well, let's start with a brief definition to be able to later understand because it is an inseparable pair with the CrossFit®.

This term has been used mainly in the field of physics, where it comes from, to define the properties of elastic objects such as a spring or a rubber ball which when subjected to the impact of a force external or a blow, they change shape without breaking and when the pressure ceases, they recover theirs original form.

Instead the dictionary tell us:

Resilience is the "ability to recover oneself easily or adapt to change", or "the ability of an individual or a population to adapt or evolve positively after a period of adversity".

Think about it: How can we handle a heavy WOD and after a while act like nothing has happened? How can we carry a loaded barbell almost as much as our own body weight (or sometimes even more)? How would physics define this event? It is truly amazing how resistant we are ...

Resilience on a psychological level

By analyzing the concept more deeply, we enter the psychological field. Resilience can be defined, as mentioned above, that great enigma that encloses the human being, that ability to overcome all types of adversity and almost reach a state of mental balance, as if nothing had happened.

It is a learning that leaves scars, that does not kill us but makes us stronger. On a mental level it is simply being able to adapt or evolve positively in front of a situation. This applies to all areas of our life.

Where do you see resilience in CrossFit®?

Athletes face the unknown in daily training and are invited to face challenges that lead to changes in their lives, both physical and psychological. But at the end of each WOD, they learn to adapt, to evolve positively.

Thus, practitioners are like a spring that stretches, bends, bears weight and pressure (within a personal and unique limit). After all these actions, you return to the original form but more malleable and you are ready to start over!

That's why we say that one of the great differences of CrossFit® compared to other sports is its ability to prepare athletes to face each new situation positively.

But how can you be resilient in a WOD?

You know that rep that you can't do, that bar that doesn't rise, that box impossible to jump?

No need to be demoralized. Just take this as a lesson and work hard to get those results.

You try not one, two, or three times; but as long as you get that rep, until the bar goes up over your head and the jump on the box happens easily!

This is what really interests us: overcoming these adversities, these changes, using everything we learn in this community that teaches us every time to overcome ourselves.

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