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Snatch: 3 Exercises to Improve Speed

Lo snatch, one of the most technical exercises in weightlifting and CrossFit®, requires a combination of force, coordination and speed.

To perform this movement effectively, it is essential not only totrue good technique, but also develop optimal speed below the bar.

There are several exercises that can help you improve your speed, allowing you to lift heavier weights more efficiently and safely.

Below are some fundamental exercises that can be incorporated into your training routine for better performance in the snatch; Let's discover them together!

Power Snatch

The power snatch is an exercise that aims to improve lifting speed of the bar in the snatch.

It is performed by lifting the bar off the ground with a burst of power from the hips and legs, bringing the bar directly overhead into a partial squat position.

This exercise is particularly useful for developing speed in extending the hips and pulling the bar upwards.

Focus on the explosiveness of the movement and how quickly you can lift the bar above your head.

You can perform the power snatch with an empty bar or with a light weight to start, focusing on proper form and technique.

Snatch Pulls

Snatch pulls are another effective exercise for improving snatch speed. This movement focuses on the pulling phase of the bar, allowing you to develop the strength and power needed to lift heavier weights in the snatch.

To perform snatch pulls, place the bar in front of you and assume a squat position. Grab the bar with your hands shoulder-width apart and lift the bar straight up with a burst of power from your hips and legs, keeping your arms extended.

Focus on how quickly you can lift the bar and how your hip and leg muscles contract during the movement.

You can perform snatch pulls with a heavier weight than your maximal snatch to focus on strength and power.

Overhead Squat

THEoverhead squat it is an exercise that aims to improve stability and control overhead, crucial elements for good snatch execution.

This movement engages your entire body, helping you develop greater coordination and balance.

To perform the overhead squat, raise the bar above your head with your arms fully extended and your hands positioned slightly wider than your shoulders.

Hold the bar overhead as you lower into a deep squat, keeping your chest lifted and your back straight. Focus on stability and movement control as you perform the overhead squat.

You can perform this exercise with an empty bar or a light weight to start, gradually increasing the weight as you gain more strength and stability.

In conclusion…

Improving snatch speed is critical to achieving optimal performance in this exercise.

By regularly incorporating the three exercises mentioned above into your workout routine, you will be able to develop greater explosiveness and power, thus allowing you to lift heavier weights with better technique.

With perseverance and consistent practice, you will notice significant improvements in your snatch speed and overall weightlifting performance.

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