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Sodium deficiency: symptoms, causes and remedies

Il sodium is an essential electrolyte that helps maintain water balance in and around cells; it is important for proper muscle and nerve function and also helps keep blood pressure levels stable.

Blood sodium insufficiency is also known as hyponatremia and occurs when water and sodium are not in balance: either there is too much water or too little sodium in the blood.

Usually the sodium level should be between 135 and 145 mEq per liter; hyponatremia occurs when the sodium level falls below 135 mEq / L.

Sodium Deficiency Symptoms

Symptoms can vary from person to person; if sodium levels gradually decrease, often, no symptoms occur; if, on the other hand, they decrease rapidly, symptoms may be more severe. The most common symptoms are:

If you experience any of the symptoms of sodium deficiency, contact your doctor immediately, who will be able to advise you on the tests to be done and any treatments and additions.

Causes of sodium deficiency

Many factors can cause its deficiency; Sodium levels can drop if the body loses too much water and electrolytes or in conjunction with certain medical conditions.

Causes of sodium deficiency include:

Who is at risk?

Some factors increase the risk of sodium deficiency:

If you are at risk of sodium deficiency, pay more attention to your water and electrolyte intake.

How is sodium deficiency diagnosed?

A blood test that looks at the amount of minerals and electrolytes can help your doctor diagnose a sodium deficiency.

If the levels of these tests are abnormal, the doctor may also order a urine test to evaluate the amount of sodium in them.

The results of these tests will help determine the cause of a sodium deficiency:


Treatment for a sodium deficiency in the blood varies depending on the cause and can include:

Remember to always contact your doctor if you suspect that you have a deficiency of this mineral!

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