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Soy: pros and cons of this plant protein source

Soya beans

The consumption of an adequate quantity of protein and of extremely important for those who practice sports. It is no coincidence that proteins are called "the building blocks of our body" because they provide the nutrients necessary for its growth, development and maintenance.

If, for those who practice an omnivorous diet, the choice of protein foods is quite varied, for those who follow a regime instead vegetarian and especially Vegan, the options are more limited. Among these is the soy, a legume of oriental cuisine whose consumption has progressively spread even in western countries.

Soy is certainly one of the most debated foods: there are those who praise its almost "miraculous" virtues who, on the other hand, avoid it like the plague. In fact, his are numerous property and many, are at the same time, also i risks associated with it, above all if consumed in excess. Let's get to know some of these.

Main benefits of soy

The documented positive effects include:

The dark side of soy

Alongside the benefits listed above, this legume also carries risks, so careful and prudent consumption is recommended. In particular, soy:

Advice for correct consumption

In the light of the above - in order to minimize health risks - i advice that we can provide to athletes who decide to include this vegetable protein source in their diet, are those of  consume moderate amounts, preferring fermented soy (miso, tempeh, natto) rather than fresh legume or its derivatives (milk, yogurt, tofu, salsa, etc.).

It is also important to choose non-GMO certified organic products (because soy is one of the main transgenic crops).

Finally, to get the most benefit from soy, the sportsman must keep your intestinal bacterial flora healthy and balanced, feeding it with the correct foods.


Ji Ho Chang, Min Sun Kim, Tae Wha Kim, and Sang Sun Lee, 2008 "Effects of soybean supplementation on blood glucose, plasma lipid levels, and erythrocyte antioxidant enzyme activity in type 2 diabetes mellitus patients" //www.ncbi.nlm / pmc / articles / PMC2814190 /
Siepmann, Roofeh J, Kiefer FW, Edelson DG, 2011 "Hypogonadism and erectile dysfunction associated with soy product consumption." //
// "Accessed 05 April 2019
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