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Stall, I'm not afraid of you: 3 ideas to get out of it

Break out of stalemate in training

Lo stall in training is the classic invisible enemy (well, not as much as rhabdomyolysis). If you are a beginner, that's what you say about "It doesn't happen to me". If you are a pro, it is always around the corner.

However, there is no career as a sportsman that hasn't known one (or more).

What is stalling - and why beginners don't experience it

Stall in training means "simply" stop progressing. It means that there is not even an extra micro-load disc on the balance wheel. It means you want some extra traction, but just don't want any coming.

In some cases, stalling means that the bar you raised quietly until yesterday seems too heavy today: and maybe you won't be able to close all the reps.

Typically i noobs - as my gamer friends say - they are not subject to stall, for two reasons:

Take Janosz Bedezwky instead, a fictional Polish powerlifter. For twenty-five years he has been grinding only three exercises - squat, bench press, deadlift. His body has built all the constructible, his head has to deal with the umpteenth 32 series of 2 submaximal deadlifts. Daily.

How to break out of deadlock in training

There are several strategies to get out of the stalemate. To talk, you go from the advice to "take a break", to insist as if nothing had happened, to change discipline, to use esoteric techniques and strange meditations to find a focus that is physical and mental at the same time.

All right. Given that at the base of everything there must be

we see some "real" methods to get out of the stalemate

1 - Use the technique of long-term goals (and proper planning)

The reason is simple. A giant goal (plus 50kg deadlift) set one week away is simply unattainable. It's scary, demoralizing ... and you can get injured trying to reach it.

Conversely, setting the same goal months apart, e build your programming in agreement, will allow you to get there nice shawl, and of camouflage any mini-stalls in the course of progression. This latter opportunity will allow you - or will allow your coach - to adjust the shot, manipulating volumes, intensity, rest, nutrition, integration ...

2 - Rest

Yup, lack of rest can make you stall great: even if you don't realize it.

The body needs rest, so does the head. Keep an eye on the rhythm of your sleep, but above all listen to your body (see?) When it tries to make you understand that you are giving too much. It generally will

3 - Accessory exercises

Ok, nobody wants to say "I have a maximum of 35 kg in the face pull". We all aim for the deadlift, the squat, the number of uninterrupted pull ups, push ups, etc. - whatever you want, you know better than I do.

If that number doesn't want to arrive, don't push it (and don't get down on it), but build some training microsheets that they work

Attention. It is not "everything makes broth", but rather a clever way to build a machine that can do that thing well... and at the same time to do others, which does no harm.

An example? Let's say that deadlift ceiling doesn't want to go up. Based on the above list, you will need to train:


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