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Start doing the reverse crunch - an effective exercise for the abs

If you've never run the reverse crunch, but you want to put in the effort to have a terrific six pack, maybe this is just the best exercise for you.

The reverse crunch is a effective exercise for the abs, but most athletes don't do it; let's discover all the secrets of this exercise.

How is the reverse crunch performed?

To perform the reverse crunch, simply lie down on a mat, you won't need anything else!

It's possible make the exercise more difficult by keeping your feet off the ground all the time; in this way the abdominals will remain in tension for the entire duration of the exercise; keeping your legs straight on the way down adds another level of difficulty and aims to lift your legs high instead of bringing your knees to your chest.

Muscles involved

This exercise is targeted for the abdominals; the target muscle is, therefore, the rectus abdominis. This muscle is also known as the six pack muscle.

The reverse crunch is aimed at what are commonly referred to as upper and lower abs.

Errors to avoid

Un common mistake people tend to make with this exercise is to use momentum; we must avoid slanting the body to lift the legs.

If you are unable to perform the exercise, it is best to focus on normal crunches, a simpler variant of the inverse ones.

A sign that your abs aren't strong enough is your back arching; this phenomenon is frequent when lowering the legs to the initial position and great attention must be paid to the risk of injury injuries.

Benefits of the reverse crunch

The biggest benefit of this exercise is that it is aimed entirely at the rectus abdominis, a muscle that has the function of flexing the trunk and the vertebral column.

However, we must remember that to have a nice six pack it is not enough to train the abdominals, indeed it is not even the main thing!

Is critical check your diet, which must be healthy and balanced. Compared to other abdominal exercises, the reverse crunch eliminates neck tension; some people use their hands to perform normal crunches, putting strong pressure on the neck.

By lifting the legs towards the body, you are more likely to use your abdominals exclusively, avoiding tension in other areas.

Have you ever performed reverse crunches? Let us know in the comments and don't forget to follow us on our telegram channel


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