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Strength training for runners: 5 tips to run faster

If your goal is improve running and do it faster, you have to train yours force!

Most runners are convinced that to have better and faster performances, just run more; this is only half true.

It is critically important to follow a structured program resistance training; even if a runner wants to break his time and middle distance record, train strength in the gym is not just an option: It is a must!

If you want to see major improvements over time, you have to run… in the gym!


The Journal of Sports Medicine states that "A strength training oriented program is the most appropriate and efficient method to improve power and reactive stamina".

This means that targeted weight lifting training in the gym will help improve running performance in the long run:


Build your aerobic base in the fall season and focus more on strength building at other times of the year.

Never abandon the for long periods weightlifting, because only this will give you the basis for good strength.

During the racing season, though, cut back on your workouts to keep them from taking up too much energy. 

Not all exercises are created equal; the strength and neuromuscular improvements offered by exercises like squats, lunges e deadlifts are by far more compared to muscle isolation exercises.

Also important are the single leg variants of these exercises for the development of dynamic stability and to increase running economy. 

Le reps refer to number of times in which the same exercise is performed, one after the other, while the series they refer to How many times, in total, perform those reps (fairly common example 3 sets of 12/15 reps each).

Always choose weights that make your muscles feel burning towards the end of each series. 

It is necessary to lift the weight on as quickly as possible and with the form and the best technique at the same time; ballistic intent will cause them to come recruit muscle fibers fast twitch.

This contributes to generate energy for movements where you really need to push, such as the last mile of a run.

Jump squat, frog jumps, running on the spot with high knees; they are all forms of explosive training called plyometric training.

La pometrimetry can improve the shortening cycle lower limbs, making joints, tendons and muscles less rigid.

When the foot rests on the ground during the run, the tendons and muscles accumulate elastic energy, which can be used for the subsequent push from the ground.

And you, runners, how do you plan your workouts? Can you manage running and gym?

Let us know in the comments and remember to follow us also on our dedicated Telegram channel:



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