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Summer recipes for CrossFit® enthusiasts

THEnutrition is very important for those who practice CrossFit®; following a well balanced diet can help you get the calories and nutrients you need to carry out daily activities, including your wod in the box.

When it comes to eating foods to fuel physical performance, it's not that easy to make the right choices; you have to eat there right amount of nutrients (fats, carbohydrates and protein) in the right moments of the day.

The first thing we would like to suggest to you is that of contact a good nutritionist, who knows how to calculate yours energy requirements based on your activities; often in the same boxes you can find a good dietician, ready to listen to you and give you the right advice and food plans.

If you prefer to do it yourself, don't worry, here it is 5 summer recipes that should never be missing in your week between wods!


Una protein breakfast it is very important; helps you start the day on the right foot, as it activates the metabolism, provides long-lasting energy and supports muscle growth.

Protein pancakes are versatile and very easy to prepare in all seasons, in short, an evergreen! You will need:

- oat flour (the amount can vary according to your carbohydrate needs, from 40 to 80 grams approximately)

- 2 eggs (or only whites if you want to stay with lower fat that day)

- sweetener and cinnamon to taste

- two tablespoons of 0% Greek yogurt

Put all the ingredients in a shaker, shake it well and pour the mixture into a hot non-stick pan until you have cooked your pancakes (you can make one very large or 2 smaller ones).

These pancakes go very well with strawberries and cream cocoa bitter and peanut butter.


Is not summer without a nice and rich salad! You can indulge yourself in preparing this dish, but you can also be careful about the calories.

For this recipe you will need:

- chicken breast (200 gr)

- rye bread (40-100 gr depending on the needs)

- tomatoes (2 medium)

- lettuce-like salad (100 gr)

- salt and oil to taste

The first thing to do is to grill the chicken well and cut it into small pieces; in another non-stick pan you can prepare the croutons by cutting good rye bread into small pieces and roasting them well. Once the chicken and croutons have cooled, combine them with the salad and chopped tomatoes and season as you like.


We chose this recipe because it contains all the nutrients you need in a single fresh and summer dish; for this recipe you will need:

- black rice Venus (from 50 to 100 gr as needed)

- wild salmon (150 gr)

- zucchini (200 gr)

- salt, spices, herbs and oil to taste

Boil the black rice for 10/15 min; cook the salmon in a non-stick pan (do not use oil for cooking, as the salmon is already rich in good fats); grill the courgettes or griddle into thin slices. Put everything in a bowl and season as you like, we recommend lemon, a drop of oil, salt and mint.


Another practical and quick recipe to prepare in the hottest days is definitely the piadina, strictly wholemeal!

For this recipe you will need:

- ready-made wholemeal piadina

- rocket (20-30 g)

- bresaola (50 gr)

- parmesan flakes (30 g)

Heat the piadina in a non-stick pan and then stuff with all the other ingredients, add a drop of extra-virgin olive oil and voilà, the game is done!


To conclude our top 2021 summer recipes for Crossfitters we recommend this cold, simple, fresh and well balanced pasta salad.

To prepare it you will need:

- wholemeal pasta (from 50 to 100 grams according to needs)

- cherry tomatoes (80 gr)

- natural tuna (80 gr) or fresh tuna (150 gr)

- olives (20 g)

- oil, salt and fresh basil to taste

Boil the pasta and let it cool with a drop of oil; if you use fresh tuna, sear it in a pan and then cut it into small pieces; if you use natural tuna, drain it well; in a bowl add the pasta, tuna, cherry tomatoes, olives, seasoned with a drop of oil, salt and fresh basil.

And how do you approach your meals in this heat? Let us know your favorite summer recipes in the comments and remember to follow us on our dedicated Telegram channel:


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