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Does sweating make you lose weight? Let's dispel the false myths!

Once my grandmother told us:

sweating makes you lose weight, guaranteed!

Unfortunately, this is not the case. Sweating is the normal process by which our body regulates temperature and makes sure that there is no overheating that could harm our health.

Yes, during sweating lose liquid and mineral salts, not fat!

Sweat being formed by water, which has a weight, it is normal that if we weigh ourselves at the end of a workout where we have sweated a lot we would be up to 2 kg less than before, but this is only a temporary weight loss that will be recovered as soon as we have rehydrated.

Otherwise, it would be good to get saunas at the expense of running or weight training, isn't it?


The reality is that to lose weight we have to force of things to do so that our daily calorie consumption exceeds the number of calories introduced through food during the day.

So we need to leverage ours metabolism, nutrition and on physical activity!

Metabolism represents the mechanism and speed with which the our body burns calories, or develops energies necessary for survival and daily activities.

And, good news… we can speed it up through physical activity, increasing daily energy expenditure!


Here comes into play what so many people, including myself, fell in love with from the first moment. The CrossFit®!

Although the metabolism can be accelerated by any type of physical activity, it has been proven that the best way to increase ours basal metabolism (which is the energy expenditure of a living organism at rest, thus including the energy necessary for vital metabolic functions) both through the practice of CrossFit® and other activities that use the principle of high intensity as they allow you to burn calories not only for the duration of the effort but also for hours after your workout.

During high-intensity training, the metabolism accelerates exponentially and the need for oxygen increases, so once the training is finished the body must use a lot of energy to return to normal conditions.

In this way our body continues to consume energy for many hours after finishing the training, thus burning body fat!


In conclusion, does sweat make you lose weight? The answer is no.

Sweat, let's say rather that it is a consequence of more or less intense movement, correlated to various external factors such as the temperature of the environment, the humidity rate, our clothing ...

Remember that what matters is a correct and healthy diet and constant physical activity, better if done for relatively "short" times and at high intensity and therefore ...

… What better than our beloved CrossFit®?!?!

Francesco Rates

- Personal trainer level 1 FIPE

- CrossFit® Level 1 Trainer

-Training postural ATS trainer

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