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The 5 hardest wods of past CrossFit ® Opens

By now we know: CrossFit® continues to push athletes to their limits year after year with increasingly demanding Open training sessions. Precisely for this reason, we decided to analyze the strategies and scaling options for the 5 most difficult wods of past Opens.

Here is our selection:

CrossFit® Open 20.1

Time cap: 15 minutes.

10 rounds for time


20.1 requires a steady pace with efficient transitions. Break ground-to-overheads early to conserve energy and maintain a consistent pace. Focus on smooth execution of burpees to avoid burning out.

This workout it's going to get really painful in the fifth round. To meet the time cap, aim to complete a round approximately every 90 seconds. Start with a moderate pace and maintain consistency throughout.

Barbell Options:

When dealing with Ground-to-Overhead (G2O), consider opt for clean & jerks if the weight of snatch turns out to be challenging.

If the weight of the Ground to Overhead is light enough for you, try one pinch (made with three fingers) narrower for it snatch and adopts a wider foot posture for greater stability. This technique can be particularly useful for maintaining control during training.

If the snatch weight seems too heavy for you, go for i clean & jerks. Focus on minimizing the time the barbell is on your shoulders.

A successful clean & jerk involves gripping the barbell in a slight bend and quickly passing it overhead, ensuring a smooth and efficient movement.

CrossFit® Open 22.3 Workouts:

Cap Time: 12 minutes

For time:


This high-intensity workout is designed for elite athletes capable of completing it in under 5 minutes, particularly excelling in unbroken sequences.

Identify your weakness, be it moles thrusters, in gymnastics or double-unders, and plan accordingly.

Strategic Tiebreak:

If you're in doubt about completing within the cap time, focus on maximizing reps and getting the best split time on your last set of thrusters. Minimize rest between sets of thrusters to optimize your overall performance.

Scaling Options:

Reduce thruster weights and adapt pull-up variations. Start with ring rows for pull-ups, elastic pull-ups for chest to bar and end with kipping pull-ups for bar muscle ups.

If you are weak at Thrusters:

Avoid reaching the barbell already tired; break thrusters into quick sets, ideally no more than 3 reps. Use decreasing repetition schemes (e.g. 8-7-6) to lighten the mental load and move easily to the next movement.

If you are weak in Gymnastics:

Opt for small, quick sets, especially if pull-ups, chest-to-bar or bar muscle-ups are a challenge for you. Quick singles can improve overall speed. Tailor your approach based on your expertise, considering larger sets for easier movements and singles for more difficult ones.

CrossFit® Open 15.5

For Time



Keep a steady pace on the rowing machine. Break up thrusters and plan breaks to avoid exhaustion. The trick to this workout is to write down in advance how you will divide the reps into Thrusters and create a “game plan”.

For a solid time on the rowing machine, you should pull 1000 to 1200 for women and 1100 to 1300 for men.

Scaling Options:

Adjust the weights of the thrusters to an option that is achievable for you. You can keep your rowing machine calories the same!

CrossFit® Open 23.3

Starting with a time limit of 6 minutes, complete as many repetitions as possible of:

*If completed before the 6 minute limit, add 3 minutes to the time limit and complete:

 *If completed before the 9 minute limit, add 3 minutes to the time limit and complete:

Women's weight: 29kg, 43kg, 57kg, 70kg

Weight men: 43 kg, 61 kg, 84 kg, 102 kg


Here we must balance intensity and pace. Break up snatches wisely and manage fatigue during strict handstand push-ups. Mentally prepare yourself for tired shoulders.

Opt for power snatches or no-contact power snatches, not for muscle snatches. Aim to complete snatches in 1:30 – 1:45 while maintaining a pace of 6-9 seconds per single repetition. Maintain a continuous movement, without stopping.

With four weight changes in the workout, set up multiple barbells ahead of time or have someone help you load the weights. Use breaks to allow your judge and partner/friend to adjust the weights, allowing you to lower your heart rate before the next round.

Note: Many will not reach the final barbell; however, if your PR is close to maximum weight, try anyway!

CrossFit® Open 18.3

Cap Time: 14 minutes

2 Rounds for time:


Identify your “critical point" in this wod.. If double unders are a challenge for you, prioritize them in your training. Likewise, if ring muscle ups are an obstacle, focus on them rather than worrying about bar muscle ups.

Be realistic and focus on improving the most significant factor affecting your score. In short, identify potential obstacles and optimize your efforts to overcome them.

Technical Recommendations:

Perfect double-under form, sharpen muscle-up technique, and focus on stability for overhead squats.



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