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The 6 best hangover cures

Overdoing alcohol can lead to unpleasant consequences and side effects; some before, some later, we have all been there at least once in our life! The most common hangovers include: fatigue, headache, nausea, dizziness, thirst and sensitivity to light and sound.

Let's find out together 6 best cures, based on scientific evidence, to make hangover less difficult to deal with!

Have a good breakfast

Do one Abundant breakfast e sana is one of the best known hangover remedies; food, in fact, helps maintain levels cup sugar in the blood.

Low sugar levels contribute to some typical hangover symptoms, such as nausea, fatigue and weakness; drinking excessive amounts of alcohol alters the balance of chemicals in the blood and causes increased acidity, a preamble to nausea and vomiting.

A good breakfast also offers the restoration of important vitamins and minerals, which can be depleted during a hangover.

Get plenty of sleep

Alcohol can cause sleep disturbances and is associated with reduced sleep quality and duration for some people.

Although moderate amounts of alcohol may initially promote sleep, studies show that high quantities and chronic abuse of this substance interrupt regular sleep cycles.

Lack of sleep can exacerbate hangover symptoms, such as headaches and irritability; sleeping well and allowing the body to recover can help relieve symptoms.

Drink lots of water

Drinking alcohol can lead to dehydration; this substance has a diuretic effect, leading to excessive loss of fluids and electrolytes necessary for normal functioning.

In addition, drinking too much often causes vomiting, which leads to further loss of fluids and electrolytes. Drink a lot of water after a hangover can help relieve symptoms such as excessive thirst, fatigue, headache and dizziness.

Take supplements

Some studies have revealed that taking particular supplements could relieve hangover symptoms:

- red ginseng: reduces blood alcohol levels and the severity of hangovers

- prickly pear

- ginger: helps in case of nausea, vomiting and diarrhea

- borage oil

- peppermint oil: massaging it on the neck, forehead and temples helps reduce headaches.

Eat vitamin-rich drinks

Le Caffeine-based drinks such as coffee, tea or cola are not suitable for hangover because they speed up the heartbeat; orange juice is also not recommended as being very acidic it would irritate the stomach.

The best solution rAlways water, but herbal teas are also good, water and lemon and energy drinks rich in vitamins and minerals, which help restore the body's substances.

Stay outdoors

After a good sleep, don't stay indoors if you still feel a hangover; tries to go out into the fresh air and take a nice walk.

Fresh air, especially in winter, helps a lot to fight after-effects: it stimulates circulation, relieves headaches and accelerates the elimination of alcohol from the body.

And you, what do you do for a hangover? Let us know in the comments and remember to follow us on our Telegram channel!



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