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The 8 types of coach that are inside the box


Some time ago we talked about the 9 types of crossfitter that are inside the pits, so this time nothing more right than talking about them: our beloved coaches...

The coach is kind of spiritual guru, is the one who will give us the basic and technical notions to evolve into gods

complete and performing athletes.

And each of us, in the course of classes or drop around the world, we will be undefeated in various categories of coaches.

The truth is, there is no standard. Like any other social context, the boxes are frequented by people of all kinds, but with a shared passion. In this case, the CrossFit®. Or so it should be.

The fact is that by listening to the community we managed to bring together 8 categories of coaches who are inside the pits.

And at the end of the article you will have to tell us which is (or which are) those of your box.

What do you say, do you accept the challenge?

The social

A good coach focuses on technique, on the correct position and on movements of his students. And when he manages to have the perfect mix of this, he can be called satisfied. And the social coaches don't want to miss this moment: they capture every moment with the camera.

It is a classic: you are in the middle of the WOD, while you are all sweaty, suffering and out of breath, he arrives with his cell phone to resume that skill. And your video / photo ends up in the daily stories of the box.

If you lose calories or gain mass, he may not know. But the views and likes, those are a guarantee!

The king of nutrition

Anyone who takes training seriously knows the mantra well: "No diet, few results".

Whether to lose fat, gain mass or gain endurance, the balanced diet it's extremely important.

And he can tell you the right combination of nutrition and fitness: the coach king of nutrition!

It gives you all tips, best products and tips to achieve that much desired physicist.

Remember: summer is coming !!

Clark Kent's situation

You know when you're making your ceiling back squats and the barbell drops backwards? Then putting it on the rack is really an impossible mission. But don't panic: the super coach comes to save you!

The Clark Kent of the situation manages to pull up the easy easy barbell with a power clean, without a minimum of effort.

And Mat Fraser can only accompany ...

The screamer

You want how many!

The screams are from the textbook:

Have you not understood the WOD and request it? He yells at you.

Did you forget the number of reps? He yells at you.

You pee in the middle of a AMRAP? He will scream at you and you will hear him from the bathroom.

In short, that's how he is: he calls attention by shouting ...

Well, in the 70s Arthur Janov created scream therapy, and this type of coach has pinch (made with three fingers) exactly to the letter!

The metamorphic

You arrive at the garage and you see it there in the corner. Shy, silent and cuddly.

Do you think: what harm can such a coach do to me?

Then you start training and he transforms himself: a monster.

He doesn't even seem the same, he brings out the beast in him and wears you out for the whole lesson.

"Don't stop" is the battle cry. You will surely get out of there so sweaty but satisfied with the result.

The motivator

Everyone in the garage should have someone like him. It gives you the maximum charge!

Despite the immense effort in looking for that push & jerk PR,

he comes to give that moral support needed to lift the bar above the head.

Maybe the technique was not perfect, but do you want to put the feeling of beating your own limit?

It will be that coach who will never make you lose the motivation to go to the box every day, because you are a booooomber!

The broccolone

Lately CrossFit has caught on among women and the pits are populated by beautiful girls in search of perfect fitness.

In fact, high intensity activity quickly helps to achieve those goals and the female community has grown a lot in recent years. There is a real one crossfitter woman poster.

You see the broccolone coach, always among the girls. He is always thoughtful, corrects every move and it's all smiles and attentions.

It's a bit of a phenomenon huh, but sometimes it works!

The pout

If the good morning starts in the morning ... It will never be a beautiful day.

There is no "no" day with him, because he is always sulky.

You arrive at the garage at 7 in the morning, full of loads but he destroys you with his long face and few words. Sometimes it is difficult to relate to and get used to his dry and irritating responses.

But he knows what he is doing and he can't be beaten on the technique, so we make him go well anyway!

Then? Did you recognize any coach in your box among these categories? Write us in the comments and if you have courage: tag your coach!

Challenge launched 😉

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