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The best exercises for a perfect warm-up

Il warm-up is a key part of any workout routine; preparing the body adequately before starting physical activity can improve performance, prevent injuries and promote faster recovery.

In this article, we will explore the best exercises for a perfect warm-up that target different parts of the body and effectively prepare the body for the workout.

Exercises and stretching to warm up

  1. Joint mobility exercises: Start your warm-up with joint mobility exercises to prepare your joints for movement. You can do shoulder, neck, wrist, hip and toe rotations ankles. These movements help increase blood circulation and improve joint flexibility.
  2. Cardiovascular warm-up exercises: After joint movements, switch to exercises that increase heart rate and blood circulation. You can opt for an easy jog or jump rope for 5-10 minutes. These exercises prepare the cardiovascular system and warm up the muscles effectively.
  3. Dynamic stretching: The dynamic stretching it involves controlled movements that stretch the muscles and improve flexibility. Examples of dynamic stretching include alternating legs, torso rotations, knees to chest, and knee raise walks in place. These exercises improve your mobility and prepare your muscles for physical activity.
  4. Muscle activation exercises: after the cardiovascular warm-up and dynamic stretching, it is important to activate specific muscle groups that will be involved in the workout. For example, if you are going to do a leg workout, you can run free body squats or you sink. If you're training your upper body, you can do push-ups or pull-ups. These exercises prepare the muscles for specific training and improve their contractility.
  5. Coordination and balance exercises: Including coordination and balance exercises in the warm-up can help improve body awareness and stability. You can try doing single-leg balance exercises, such as tree or foot balance, or do coordination exercises such as the heel-glutes gait or sideways gait. These exercises prepare the body for more complex movements during the workout.

  1. Core activation exercises: The core is essential for stability and control of the body during training. You can include exercises like the plank, the bird dog or the bicycle abs in your warm-up to activate the abdominal and lower back muscles. This will help improve your posture and stability during your workout.

È important to customize the warm-up according to the type of training what you are about to do. For example, if you're training for running, you might want to include hip and hamstring range exercises as well.

If you're going to do weight training, you can add range of motion exercises for the shoulders and upper limbs.

In conclusion…

An effective warm-up is essential to prepare the body for physical activity. The best exercises for a perfect warm-up include joint movements, cardiovascular warm-up, dynamic stretching, muscle activation, coordination and balance exercises and core activation.

Customize your warm-up to your specific needs and remember that taking a few minutes to properly prepare your body can make a difference in your performance and in preventing injuries.

And you, what exercises do you do to warm up? Let us know in the comments and remember to follow us on our telegram channel


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