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The best tips to live longer and healthier

Training of force, resistance training, cardio, yoga, specific sports… what are the activities that we should include in our training routine to live longer and healthier? But above all, are there really specific exercises for this goal?

There are, of course, conflicting opinions on this choice, but science seems to show that the best exercises for longevity are those that make the heart work its hardest, almost; this is because the efficiency of the muscles has a huge influence on a person's physical form and, consequently, on their longevity.

Let's find out together the best exercises and tips to live longer and healthier!

Hiit workout

The goal of this high-intensity workout is to do pump the heart more than all other types of cardio; these exercises are incredibly challenging and last anywhere from 2 to 6 minutes at full strength.

the beauty ofHIIT workout is that it doesn't include specific exercises, you can choose the one you like best, the treadmill, outdoor running, the stationary bike, specific exercises, swimming, abs, in short, you can indulge yourself, the important thing is that you go as fast and strong as possible for a short period of time (2 minutes is the recommended minimum).

After active phase of effort, it is always necessary to follow a phase of rest, usually as long as that of effort; it's good to run at least 6 sets of reps as the goal is to reach your maximum heart rate

Find an activity that is fun and challenging

Training must be fun and challenging to keep motivation and enthusiasm high; each of us has different needs and preferences and it is good to indulge them to find an activity that we like, helps us to remove stress and increases longevity.

Exercising and gaining health doesn't only apply to those who practice high-intensity sports; even activities such as gardening, if performed with perseverance and passion, help prolong life, even if they have nothing to do with actual training in the strict sense

Training in company

Another small, but great, trick for training in a good mood and not losing motivation, is to do it in the company of someone who motivates and supports us.

It can be a friend, a partner, a dog, a bridge partner, the important thing is that we motivate each other to respect the sporting commitment; even some sports and outdoor group activities can help fight laziness and "divanitis" and, therefore, make us live longer


Exercise during the day

It may seem strange, especially for those who train in the evening after work, but finding the way and the time to exercise when there is sunlight helps take the load off vitamin D, essential for bone health starting from the absorption of the sun's rays from the skin.

Vitamin D deficiency is related to the risk of cardiovascular disease and low longevity, so let's combine business with pleasure and train in the sunlight.

And you, what tricks and workouts do you do to improve your health and longevity? Let us know in the comments and remember to follow us on our telegram channel



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