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The dreaded BMI and its secrets

What is BMI?

The acronym BMI does not refer to a new diabolical exercise to be included in wod, ... but it is simply for: Body Mass Index or, in Italian, Body Mass Index (BMI).
This parameter is used in clinical practice to classify subjects according to physical form (Theoretical).
Below I report reference values:

To turn out normal weight BMI should be understood between 18 and 25.
According to the WHO have a BMI higher than 25 may involve a increased cardiovascular risk and other chronic conditions (, promising e , promising to know more).

How is your BMI calculated?

To calculate your BMI you need to do the following formula:
Weight in Kg / Height in m squared
Then simply compare the result with the table in the previous paragraph.
Example: (58 Kg) / (1,64 × 1,64 m) = 21,54 Kg / mXNUMX = Normal weight
In the 2013 a updating of the formula to correct calculation errors in subjects higher or lower than the average.

Well ... have you tried to calculate your BMI and been overweight? Do you crossfit? Don't panic!

The usefulness of BMI in CrossFit®

For normal people this can make sense ... but for the CrossFitter?

The BMI calculation has a very serious limit: does not consider in no way body composition.
Practicing a highly demanding sport at the level of force it is very likely that la percentage di muscle, and consequently the weight, are rather high, while the percentage di fat mass be it rather low.

You will understand that weighing 80 Kg at 10% of fat mass is very different from weighing 80 Kg at 30% of fat mass ...: in the first case we would have a rather dry body, in the second case a definitely obese physique, maintaining the same BMI!

Take for example some athletes crossfitters world famous:
Matthew Fraser (1,70 m; 86 Kg) BMI 29,76 Overweight
Richard Froning (1,75 m; 91 Kg) BMI 29,71 Overweight
Lucas Parker (1,76 m 86 Kg) BMI 27,76 Overweight

According to the BMI calculation all are overweight, but a look at them well you wouldn't think ...

Summing up…

Il BMI is a parameter that relates weight and height and proposes a classification of the state of physical form rather inaccurate, As does not take into account body composition. For athletes can result in fact parameters of BMI completely unlikely.


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