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The powers of the nettle: an ally of health

Description of the plant

Nettle is herbaceous plant perennial, with an erect quadrangular section stem. The root is rhizomatous, creeping, provided with numerous radicles.

The leaves are oval-heart-shaped, opposite, provided with a petiole with toothed margins and covered with numerous hairs stinging.

The flowers are small and inconspicuous, greenish in color, gathered in long spikelets that appear from June to October.

Benefits of the nettle plant

Nettle is one of the plants with the greatest number of medicinal properties.

The leaves contain abundant chlorophyll, the green dye of the plant world that gives the plant a marked property antianemic.

If you use against anemia caused by lack of iron or blood loss, because iron e the folic acid contained in it stimulates the production of red blood cells.

The plant also has vasoconstrictive properties (contracts the blood vessels) and hemostatic (stops bleeding), therefore it is used especially in cases of nasal and uterine haemorrhages.

It also has purifying action, diuretic and alkalizing: it is indicated in case of gout, rheumatic conditions, arthritis, kidney stones, gravel, hyperglycemia and cystitis; and in general, when it is necessary to produce a detoxifying action, in fact nettle has a great ability to alkalize the blood and facilitates the elimination of acidic residues from the metabolism, which are closely linked to all these diseases.

Thanks to the presence of tannins it also possesses astringent properties and is therefore used successfully to stop diarrhea, in case of colitis or dysentery.

The nettle has an action galactogenic, due to the ability to increase the secretion of milk maternal, and therefore it is advisable during breastfeeding.

For external use it has an emollient effect, thanks to which it is used in the treatment of chronic skin diseases, such as in the case of eczema, skin rashes and against acne.

Composition of the nettle

The nettle has the leaves are very rich in mineral salts, especially silicon, which stimulates the immune system, phosphorus, magnesium, calcium, manganese and potassium; and of vitamin A, C and K, which make it remineralizing, restorative and invigorating.

Household uses for health

There are also herbal preparations in the form of capsules or tinctures, to be purchased on the advice of a doctor or herbalist according to your needs.

A homemade nettle-based tincture, useful with the arrival of autumn, can be prepared by leaving it to macerate 10 grams of dried leaves in 100 grams of alcohol for liqueurs, with the addition of 30 milliliters of water.

It is necessary to use a bottle or a bottle of dark glass, to be left in the dark for ten days. Subsequently the dye can be used in the quantity of a few drops to perform a scalp massage, in order to strengthen the hair and try to prevent seasonal fall.

To prepare the infusion, simply let a teaspoon of dried nettle flowers rest in a glass containing 250 ml of water boiling. The infusion must be filtered and left to cool before consumption.

In summary the properties of the nettle

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