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Is there a schedule in CrossFit®?

CrossFit programming

There is a word that - in theory - marks the boundary between "playing" and "being serious". Between cazzeggiano and professionalism. Between "Let's see where I arrive, and let's hope not to hurt myself in the meantime" a "Games 2021, I'm coming".

This word is programming.

What it means to program

Programming means exclude the random component and generally do it yourself from the sequence of training sessions, to get to "squeeze" the best from the potential of an athlete.

This has always been extremely evident in the "classic" disciplines like powerlifting e weightlifting, and slightly more subtle in the bodybuilding – but still fundamental. In particular for the powerlifting they were the great masters (see Westside, but before that the Russians) to make us understand that it is not enough to add weight on the barbell day by day to get somewhere, but we must “oscillate” between cycles force and volume cycles - to make it simple - to get the best without getting hurt.

And in CrossFit®?

CrossFit® programming

In our beloved discipline, programming… is there. Or at least there must be, despite the "randomness" that dominates the concept of Workout of the Day.

Let's try to go in order.

1 - CrossFit® lacks a repetitive card: whoever approaches this sport must forget the crumpled and sweaty sheet to put away at the end of training in the special binder, regularly positioned in the reception area of ​​the weight room.

Two key points arise:

2 - that is, it does not mean that programming is not necessary

This because CrossFit® acts on three contemporary areas:

Metabolic conditioning



Each of these elements must be trained within a training cycle, in order to ensure - as well as variety - the completeness of training.

According to CrossFit Journal, an example of a 12-day cycle would therefore be composed as follows:

Day 1 - Conditioning

Day 2 - Gymnastics + Weightlifting

Day 3 - Conditioning - Gymnastics - Weightlifting

Day 4 - Rest

Day 5 - Gymnastics

Day 6 - Gymnastics + Weightlifting

Day 7 - Gymnastics + Weightlifting + Conditioning

Day 8 - Rest

Day 9 - Weightlifting

Day 10 - Weightlifting + Gymnastics

Day 11 - Weightlifting - Gymnastics - Conditioning

Day 12 - rest

3 - the scalability of WODs to make the intensity of the days gradually higher.

Are there specific programming methods?

Sure. There are several, although it is worth giving a warning: keep an eye on the source of the programming method.

1 - My garage coach takes care of it. Perfect. Assuming that your coach is competent in programming in macro, meso and microcycles, here too we have different behaviors:

2 - do it yourself, and then ...

It would not be enough for example a "backbone" in reliable cycles, adjusted to your level by a coach who "understands"?

I leave you with this idea (and I expect your opinion in the comments).


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