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Training without getting hurt: the benefits of warming up

Benefits of warm-up or heating

Imagine a nice infographic.

On the abscissas, the infographics in question have the age of the sportsman, on the ordinates the time required for heating to avoid the embarrassing ailments that inevitably occur if you show up at the garage while it is still cold, directly from the workplace / journey by car / bed / sofa.

If the twentysomethings have in fact (at least theoretically) the gift of being able to pull up a deadlift ceiling in jeans and moccasins, between one spritz and the next, to make the boosters with friends, as age increases these performances are strictly to be avoided.

Simply put: warm up, and you'll get anywhere. Don't do it, and get ready for those old man poses looking at construction sites, hands on loins, back bent, neck forward.

The types of heating

Heating is the preparation we do for activate the body for physical work. By warming up, every muscle district is in a position to give its best.




there different types of heating:

Today we are basically talking about dynamic heating (dynamic warm-up in English): a series of reasoned exercises, connected to each other, to be performed with different objectives and methods and which involve all the muscular districts and body functions.

The benefits of heating

Alla domanda "Why warm up", the hasty in me would reply with a simple: not to get hurt, and to be able to go back to the gym tomorrow.

In reality - and its beauty - a warm-up done with the head has multiple functions:

What is dynamic heating

Simple: it is "the warm-up", updated to modern times of sports science.

According to current thinking, heating programming it is just as important as that of the training session itself.

Ideally, a complete heating is composed of stages.

It starts with one general activation (the bland jog, for example, or free body exercises to put the cardiovascular system up to speed) to move on to myofascial release: unleash your foam roller, you will need it.

Then follow i heating for joint districts (mobility and stretching), a possible one "correction" phase of inaccurate motor patterns, and thetargeted muscle activation. The latter aims precisely to activate the muscle groups that we will use in the training we have planned.

Finally, they can be included in the warm-up of the exercises to consolidate the motor patterns of the risers (common practice in powerlifting and Olympic weightlifting) and of activation of the central nervous system: these allow to improve explosiveness and recruitment of muscle fibers.

In the next article we will see a famous (and very used) dynamic heating sequence which includes all or almost all of these stages.


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