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What to expect from your first CrossFit ® class?

You finally got the wonderful decision to try CrossFit® – excellent! You won't regret it…I hope. Since I have received many positive opinions on the format “Box life", with a story typical day of an amateur CrossFitter, this time I decided to write an article about the first CrossFit ® class.

If you are concerned, know that this is one of the most common questions we receive every day in our channel Telegram CrossFitters (by the way, have you signed up yet?), so friend you are not alone!

First thing, know that there is a very specific netiquette, or, unwritten rules that all crossfitters need to know literally before entering a box.

One of them is get to class on time and listen to the coach, especially if this is your first CrossFit ® class. Once explained the WOD (workout of the day) right into the action.

In addition to Interesting acronyms that are in common use in CrossFit® and at the workout, you will likely have other questions and concerns about what to expect at your first CrossFit ® lesson and what you will find inside the box.

Let's find out everything there is to know!

Athletes of all levels

Maybe during the initial sessions they'll put you in a special class with newbies, but have no doubts that CrossFit® really is for everyone; you will notice this when you start attending regular classes.

You will be surrounded by people of all shapes, physiques, abilities and abilities, but all united by the fact that they are CrossFit® athletes. Hopefully, this can help escape any fears of looking stupid or feeling embarrassed and help you realize that you're in the right place to achieve your fitness goals.

CrossFit® is really brilliant in this sense.

A social environment

Your box will be your new family, where an athlete's success is shared by all. It may take a few lessons for the regulars to get to know you and understand what constitutes an important achievement for you (like your first muscle up, etc.), but what you can expect (I should say, that you should expect from a good box) it's a warm introduction from the coach and a friendly welcome from the class.

CrossFitters, as a species, they are quite friendly people, so don't be surprised if they shake your hand more than once or punch you at the end of each wod!

Fixed training phases

Of course, the workout will be different day to day, but the phases of the workout follow a pattern very precise.

In most cases, you should expect to spend 5-10 minutes warming up, others 10 minutes at mobility work, an element of force or skill and then the real battle: the actual workout.

The structure of a CrossFit® class makes an athlete make the most of the hour you have to focus on mobility, strength, skill and conditioning.

Il rest time (you know that time lost looking in the mirror of a "traditional" gym?) it is closely monitored and efficiency is a priority.

In this way, not only do you train and have fun, but you also get the maximum profit.

Confusing terminology

Amrap, EMOM, WODs, Hero, “The Girls” – WHAT?

In some articles we have already explained the basic terminology of some lifts, like snatch and clean, but the variety of acronyms and CrossFit® workout names can easily confuse a newcomer.

You might think that the rest of the class are talking in riddles, but rest assured you'll get used to it and you'll soon have mastered the lingo CrossFit®.

Personal attention from the coach

You are a recruit fresh out of the basic course, relax, you will not be immediately thrown into the lions' den without anyone watching your back.

In fact, expect yours coach spend a little extra time explaining each movement to you in detail and critiquing your technique.

This is to be expected and is a sign that your coach is a professional who wants to make sure you can move as efficiently and safely as possible.

High intensity, but low weight

As I said, you are new to CrossFit®. You're not expected to do big numbers, but can handle training safely; this probably means doing the WOD with a low weight, putting your own ego out the door.

Indeed, this is something experienced athletes forget too often. Doing the WOD with lighter weights means placing more emphasis on movement technique.

Since you are still getting the hang of it all, this allows you to perform the movements more safely.

This does not mean that the intensity should decrease! Effort is universal, so make sure you give 100% and impress everyone in the class, so they know you're serious.

Failure – is an intrinsic part

Unless you're an alien, chances are on the first day you finish the wod last (or that you don't close it at all!). It's not so much about competing with others in the class, it's about tackling your first CrossFit class gloriously.

Don't be surprised if when the final timer rings you you find yourself on the floor gasping, thinking about "how disgusting you did".  

We all have to start somewhere and I assure you it won't be the first time a WOD has made you feel this way. It happens to everyone from time to time.

So cheer up and remember it's only day one.

Bumps, scrapes and bruises

I CrossFitters proudly wear their battle scars, so don't be surprised to see cut shins and callused palms.

Depending on the day's training, you may join the club sooner than you think, but you can always prepare for the worst wearing hand grips or knee socks, to protect yourself a little.

Keep in mind that some bumps, scrapes or bruises are normal. Think you'll have a good war story to tell your non-CrossFit® friends.

Loud noises

This isn't your mom's pilates class. Walked through the door, expect to be greeted by high BPM tunes, the thunderous thud of barbells hitting the ground, cheers of encouragement, and grunts of effort.

All normal and natural behaviors that can be expected within the walls of the box. Music to a CrossFitter's ears.

Being sucked into the cult of CrossFit ®

Obviously you were curious enough to try a CrossFit® class, you were tantalized by what it had to offer, and you are willing to throw yourself into a high intensity discipline that upsets you: all good signs.

What you don't know is that there's a good chance that at some point in the middle of your workout, something clicks into your mind and tells you that you have finally found what you were looking for. The missing piece to your fitness/sports puzzle has been found and your obsession has begun!

See you at the box mate 😉

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