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When will I see results in my body from CrossFit®?

Many of us decide to practice CrossFit® for change your way of life. Whether it's our health, our body or our diet, we want a change.

Since we go to the pit every day, we expect to see results soon. We don't want to lose hope. Knowing how long it will take to perceive results prevents us from giving up and keeps us motivated in the long run.

Pay attention to the process, the results will come

Il body and his metabolism I'm a complex machine. The way we have treated our bodies in the past has a big impact on the direction change we took when starting CrossFit®.

Furthermore, we don't want to repeat past failed attempts and give up after a month. The good thing about CrossFit® is that we won't have time to think about results while doing it.

During the hour we spend in the box dwe'll do our best and until the next day, when we'll be back, we will mainly focus on the recovery, which is the first element that can guarantee us long-term success.

Full recovery

During your weeks of CrossFit® training, there were probably days where we fell asleep before dinner or struggled to climb the stairs at home due to fatigue or stiffness.

These situations are completely normal. They reflect the hard work we put in during training.

While these situations may seem silly and amusing, they are things that need to be taken seriously. In order for the body to recover, 7-8 hours of quality sleep per night and drinking at least 2-3 liters are recommended of water.

It is also necessary comply with the training schedule. For example, if you want to train for 5 days, alternate breaks as follows: 3 workouts, 1 rest day, 2 workouts, 1 rest day.

Rest is as important as constancy.

Consistency is the key

I results are achieved with hard work, especially if we are thinking of changing ingrained bad habits.

To see real change, one or two training sessions a week is not enough. It would be better do at least 3 or 4 workouts, not necessarily all of CrossFit®.

One of these four could be a light ride. The idea is to make CrossFit® a lifestyle. After a while you won't want to go 3 days without training.

This is the hardest part, but thanks to the community and the great atmosphere in a CrossFit® box, it's easier to do than in a traditional gym.

Overall numbers

If we talk about substantial changes, you have to work hard, feel exhausted and want to eat a lot after training.

Normally, after 20 days of changes in our behavior, the habit takes over, which results in the loss of that feeling of effort and struggle to establish something in us.

If we keep this in mind, you will see that after a month (with four workouts a week and a correct diet), you will notice that something has changed.

But beware: these changes vary depending on your sporting background, how much you push yourself in training and how you lead your life outside the box.


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