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Who are the European athletes who progress to the semi-finals of the Games?

They have been 5 very tough races and with ups and downs for some athletes. Some have stayed high in the rankings, while others have lost many positions; surprisingly many names have entered the top 30 right at the last test (if you don't remember which one it was, check out last week's article!).

What do these 5 WODs accumulate? There total absence of fixed bar in the tests!

There was none toes to bar, pull up, chest to bar pull ups or muscle up bars. There weren't even rings for muscle up rings. However, we cannot deny the time variation of the tests that have come out, with sprint, medium and long tests. We also had one proof of force, DBs, rope, GHD, rower, wall ball, snatches, strict HSPU, pistol.… .In short, a bit of everything.

Obviously, the final video analysis is still missing to make sure you qualify for the semifinals here in Europe. Yeah, because the CrossFit® Inc team is pretty rigid and things can change a lot, at any moment.

Anyway, it must be said that this year the Italians did not give up and got noticed. They are there, in the top 30 of the best athletes in Europe! Now let's see who are the European athletes who could be in the semifinals of the Games:



Note ours Marta Ricottini in 28th position (CrossFit Argo); he has made an exceptional journey so far. After some health problems, she recovered great and moved on to the semifinals!

We asked her about her feelings, to understand how she felt after the news, to be able to rejoice with her:

“I am enjoying this moment because since I started this sport, this is the first real and great satisfaction! I've waited a long time for this moment. And the qualification pushes me to commit even more, because I will have a semi-final to face!

Sunday when I saw the leaderboard I was very excited, tears of joy! "

Also the super athlete from Tuscany, Antea Longo is in the top 50, finishing in 39th position at European level, an incredible achievement, here are his words:

“It was more shocking to see me at the end of the open in 45 'position!
Every competition is different, they have been difficult wods and for this reason it was a great satisfaction to be back in the 60s!
You don't feel the strongest, but you feel stronger than before, you begin to understand that you are getting closer to something you only dreamed of and that is your way. I am very satisfied with myself and proud of the people who are following me "


Our Customers 7 Italian athletes in the top 50. Amazing location for Thomas Pieri, 24 year old boxer athlete CrossFit Bad Beast (LU) who went straight to the semifinals thanks to the 17th position in the standings here are his words:

“Right now I feel more focused than ever, I am aware that I have not" achieved "a goal. On the contrary, I have just begun the path that I have always wanted to take. I am surrounded by special people who make the environment in which I train simply perfect and, for this reason, I am sure that by June I will be ready to give one hundred percent to the semifinals! "

There is also Pietro Anderloni, from the CrossFit Mastino box, who finished in 32nd and went straight to the semifinals:

“It's certainly hard to explain how I feel right now.
Happiness yes, but up to a certain point; I've been training hard for some time now and this milestone is let's say a confirmation that what I'm doing I'm doing right. So let's say it is happiness accompanied by the awareness that nothing happens by chance.

Secondly, I feel very motivated and energized to face the weeks of preparation for the semifinals: I want to arrive as prepared as possible and ready to play all the cards to enter the final phase.
Finally, a bit of healthy excitement thinking that I will have to deal with athletes like me who are giving a thousand per thousand to play for the chance to go to the games. It will be fun!"

Also our Stefano Migliorini (Crossfit Officine), a great name in this sport, who represented us in the 2019 Games, is also inevitable. This year he closed the quarter-finals in 34th position.

 Here are his words:
I am very satisfied with my qualification for the semifinals, because despite the difficulties I encountered along the way, I was able to manage my forces in the best possible way and use them at the right moment. I am therefore grateful for every difficult situation that has arisen, for making me once again more aware of my abilities, this makes my qualification a success. Push and don't cry!
We will certainly be cheering for all our super athletes in the semi-finals of the Games! Who is your favorite in the semi-finals of the Games?
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