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Why do I do CrossFit®? Here are 8 reasons

CrossFit®, or the CrossTraining for those AFFI affiliates, è a trend training defined by high intensity functional movements eextremely varied.

Use exercises that develop muscular, cardiovascular and respiratory endurance, the force, flexibility and power. It includes many skills from various disciplines: weightlifting, powerlifting, gymnastics, and calisthenics.

By mixing all these disciplines a little bit, an intense and interesting WOD comes out, done quickly and with few intervals.

I like to see CrossFit® as an outlet: a mixture of sweat and well-being that improves our life and health, at 360 degrees. It's a environment where friendships are made, create bonds for life, keep fit and have fun.

Its practice has spread widely around the world, gaining more and more space in gyms thanks to its collective and dynamic characteristics.

Evidence on the effectiveness of this sport was unknown until 2012, when publications regarding the sport began to emerge; many of them spoke ofincidence of injuries and accidents.

Since then many studies have been developed and it has been understood that the risk of accident it is not superior to other modalities; indeed there are many benefits associated with its practice and that is why I decided to explain them to you 8 main reasons why I do CrossFit®:

1. Burn a lot of calories

One of the key points of CrossFit® is that it makes you burn many calories in a short time. heating and stretching they take about 10 minutes each, so you work for about Intense 30 minutes and that's enough to burn up to 800 calories whenever.

Another good news is that after doing CrossFit® your body continues to burn fat even when you are at rest (we explained to you what's this after burning in a dedicated article!).

2. It is excellent for toning

There is no need to run or cycle for an hour, as CrossFit® is a great cardio exercise.

The heart rate remains high throughout the workout and it is for this reason that we develop a much longer lasting cardiorespiratory endurance.

This is good because you don't need to do any other cardiovascular exercise like running as long as you do CrossFit® three or four times a week.

3. Increases joint mobility

The exercises used in the WOD or "work of the day“, They involve the whole body and force you to move in all directions.

This causes the joints to stretch and contract giving greater force and elasticity.

4. You will have a better understanding of your body

During each exercise you will be taught how your body can perform tasks that you did not previously believe possible.

For example, you will learn what your legs are five times stronger of your arms and that when you lift something, whether during CrossFit® or in daily life, it is always best to do it with the leg muscles.

5. You will become part of a community

Being a very challenging and group exercise, there is a sense of community within each box.

This helps a lot, because to be motivated we need support and to meet people who are going through the same situation as us.

6. You will become much stronger

True, following a workout routine for approx three months, the results will be undeniable.

From lifting only an empty barbell you can move on to supporting 40kg on the shoulders in a short time. This comes from understanding how your body works and the strength your muscles will develop with the work done.

7. You will lead a healthier life

Many boxes I make available to affiliates the support of a nutritionist. It is well known that combining exercise with a healthy, balanced diet is the key to success.

The good news is that you won't need to starve; you will learn to eat at the right time and with the right amount of protein and vitamins, achieving the desired result.

8. You will have an enviable body

The idea that doing CrossFit® will make you too muscular is a myth.

Of course you can if that's your goal, but most people who follow the program have bodies slim, toned and strong.

Remember that CrossFit® burns fat while it tones your muscles, it doesn't make them bigger or bulkier!



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