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Training and blood pressure: what exercises to do?

Una lack of physical activity is related to hypertension, while those who are more active and regularly play sports tend to have good levels of arterial pressure.

Whether you have high blood pressure or want to prevent it, it's never too late to start taking better care of yourself and being more active.

Does being active help lower blood pressure?

Being active lowers blood pressure by keeping the heart and blood vessels in good condition, reducing the risk of heart disease and stroke.

There are other benefits of exercise as well:

Is it safe to exercise with high blood pressure?

For the most people the answer is yes; with high blood pressure you should be able to be active quite safely.

It is always good, however, contact your doctor before starting any activity; exercise causes the pressure to increase slightly for a short time, but once finished, the pressure usually returns to normal.

If a person has high blood pressure, the doctor may try to lower it with medication before suggesting sports.

In general, these guidelines can be followed:

What are the best exercises for high blood pressure?

Different types of exercise and activities have different effects on the body; with high blood pressure it would be better focus on aerobic activities as they help the heart and blood vessels more, but it is good to avoid activities that put a strain on the heart.

Aerobic exercises are repetitive and rhythmic movements that work the heart, lung, blood vessels and muscles; they use the large muscle groups of the body such as legs, shoulders and arms.

Examples of aerobic activity:

What exercises to avoid?

Some forms of activity are to be avoided for people with blood pressure problems; among these we have:

These activities raise blood pressure very quickly and strain the heart and blood vessels.

How much activity to do per day?

An adult subject should be moderately active for at least 30 minutes a day for 5 days a week; moderate activity is any activity that makes you feel more heat and increases your breathing and heart rate.

Have you ever had blood pressure problems? Let us know in the comments and remember to follow us on our telegram channel

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