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Xenios: CrossFit® equipment for children

Xenios CrossFit Kids equipment

Are there any topics relating to sport that are not the subject of heated online discussions?


And thechildren's training with weights it is one of these: we give a hint, and let's see if the sports equipment webstores have something to offer to budding CrossFit athletes.


Child training: cute barbells and t-shirts

As if it wasn't bad enough already, the debate surrounding theweight training for children it has been further exacerbated in recent years. Due to the greater availability of online material.

That is, since our social message boards have been filled with parents who showcase sports that are hyperactive, and Chinese phenomena that at eight they warm up with ours ceiling of snatch.

There is also a lot of speculation about the side effects of barbell training before adolescence - or even before adulthood. Self-styled online PTs talk about bone density, of deformations of the vertebral column, and a thousand other structural and functional devils.

And you get to read the comment “but let them play in the open air” quite often.


In reality - but it is a valid principle for everyone - training with weight lifting and, in full, the CrossFit, they do very well for children.

The only warning is that the keywords must be respected technique e graduality.

Teaching movements with patience, controlling executions, and not wanting to load the barbells with overweight discs at all costs are the secrets for bring the children closer to the CrossFit and to the weight room, and to ensure them a useful and safe physical activity over time.

And the fun?

That's already inherent in Crossfit, so there's no problem.

(Okay, if you're lying on the gym floor in a pool of sweat and in obvious debt of oxygen, maybe it's not solo fun. But we understand each other.)


Xenios and children's equipment

To the item Child equipment, on the Xenios website, there is everything.

There are rocker designed for the possibilities of the little ones (starting with the 2,5 kilos) and bumper plates in the mini version. There are dumbbells, kettlebells and wall balls. There is everything you need for the conditioning: skipping rope, cones, agility ladder ... also the jumping boxes - obviously in version safe.

Each tool is well finished, beautiful to look at ... and brings a mixture of tenderness and desire to try.

In short, if you want to bring your child (or daughter) closer to being charming world of CrossFit, here you find everything you need.

Our beloved sport thus becomes another way to spend time (of quality) with our children, and a precious investment for their health.


One last piece of advice: if you have small children, a connection and the propensity to pull out a credit card online, you are far from the Kid's apparel page on the Xenios website.

Alert parents ...


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