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It takes a best physique - that is: it takes a CrossFit® physique

Physical from CrossFit

They will tell you that everyone chooses to do CrossFit® for their own reasons.

Be more confident. Losing shyness. Win a battle with yourself. Or fight personal demons. Give yourself "a shock" from a boring life. Recovering because they dumped you. Become strong / flexible / resilient / sporty.


And then there is the physical from CrossFit®.

Did CrossFit® come first or the physical from CrossFit®?

Neither. Or both.

It's the great thing about any sporting activity. Maybe you don't take it because you want a more beautiful / sculpted / athletic body. But then, this physicist arrives anyway: and it's great other side of the coin. 

Ma there are also those who, admittedly, want it, that stunning body. Perfect: you start doing CrossFit®, the physique arrives. But along with that comes a big handful of other fantastic qualities, like conditioning, flexibility, force, calluses on the hands that open every two-by-three.

And do you know what another beautiful thing is? That both processes are lawful, valid, and perfectly just. In short: it does not matter if you are a narcissus and you want a beautiful body, or if you are a shy man and, in winning your battle by being in the last row with the hood of the sweatshirt always pulled on the forehead, you find yourself with tough biceps gorgeous back and powerful quadriceps.

In the end, the important thing is to do CrossFit®.

Is there really a "CrossFit® physique"?

Yes. But the cool thing is that it's not an "only" external thing.

The classic body from bodybuilding? Yes, OK. But they say it is all show and no go. I'm not saying I listen to those nerds on the web who write under every Ronnie Coleman post eh but my cousin who does karate is faster. Eh but if you take him to the mountains to climb after a first grade he is out of breath.

Eh but a lot if you shoot him he dies anyway.

(Ceffoni, it would take, for these here. Ronnie, always be praised, forgive them in your Cast Iron Light).

No. But it must be said that a bodybuilding physique is not always functional (for that, maybe turn to powerbuilding).

Il traditional powerlifter physique? Ok, let's talk about it another time.

The classic beach physique, broad shoulders, very little fat and quartered abs? Great: but many of my alcoholic friends have too the perfect turtle in all seasons: but they are not healthy models of life. And some of them have to search their vocabulary for what “salad” means.

Here: the body from CrossFit® instead it is not a mere list of muscles, neither a defining parameter, nor a ceiling number, but it is instead

In short, the combination of exhausting but various workouts, a healthy and balanced diet, an excellent team spirit, works miracles. Keep away from injuries and nonsense like that (and keep your ego in check when you're loading the barbell for a max), train regularly, eat well and sleep, and you'll see that the body from CrossFit® will not disappoint you.

And the beauty - and then I close - is that it also works miracles for the man in the street, the common citizen, the girl next door. Sure, you won't be able to aspire to those special things like

For these things it takes specialization, ten thousand hours of practice, total sacrifice: you must have been placed from the cradle between barbells and bumper plates - at least.

But with a good dose of functional training, you can go as far as you want: physically, psychologically, metaphorically, and - why deny it? - aesthetically.


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