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10 WODs you can do at the airport

We have passed the middle of July ... Let's say the limits imposed by the pandemic of Covid-19 are easier and therefore we feel more free to move and go to the BOX.

But then later 4 months of quarantine, who does not feel like a bit of holiday?

All of us, Barbara!

Have you ever thought about doing a  WOD at the airport? Of those fast, di 5 / 15 min?! It's possible guys .... If you, like me, can't help but train, here are 10 WODs to do between flights!

WOD # 1

Death By Burpees

Min 1:1 Burpees
2 mins: 2 Burpees
3 mins: 3 Burpees

… And so on until you can complete the amount of reps per minute. Can't do 15 burpees in a minute? Workout finished.

The "Death by"As training is very sneaky. In practice, it is a EMOM, then it starts with 1 Rep and another one is added at the beginning of each subsequent minute, until the reps are completed before the minute is up.

If you complete the amount of reps before the minute expires, the remaining time is rest.

WOD # 2

5 rounds for time
10 Burpees
20 air squats
30 sit-ups
40 lunges

WOD # 3

400m Walking Long For Time

Is simple. It is brutal. It's all quadriceps.

Don't worry, you don't have to measure 400 meters, make your way between the gates. The average time of this WOD is from 7 to 11 minutes!

WOD # 4

5 rounds for time
15 Mountain Climbers
20 Jumping Lounge

Are you crazy Barbara? HSPU at the airport?

Come on guys, let's get out of the box: find a wall, put a sweatshirt under your head and do 5 HSPU of the perfect ones.

Surely this WOD will make you do some beautiful stories from publish on social media 😉

WOD # 5

10 minutes AMRAP
10 burpee
20 Air Squat
30 Sit-ups

WOD # 6

15 minutes AMRAP
10 alternating Pistols
10 Box / Chair / Stair Jumps
10 Push up
10 Sit-ups

Quiet ... don't you have pistols? You can always use the waiting room chairs as an intermediate level!

WOD # 7

6 rounds for time
10 Push-Ups
15 V-Ups
20 Jumping Air Squats

WOD # 8

Ten to One For Time
Burpees 10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1
Push-ups 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10

WOD # 9

For Time:
100 Push-Ups
100 Sit-ups
100 squats
100 Burpees

It's like Angie. But WORST.

WOD # 10

8 Rounds For Time:
10 Sit-ups
10 Burpees

It may seem brutal to do it at the airport, but it's worse on beach. Sand everywhere. Literally, everywhere!

Last tip: we have activated a lot of discounts on Amazon: from 30 to 70% on all sports categories! It's all on our dedicated channel ????


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