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4 yoga positions for CrossFitters women

You may be wondering… but what does yoga have to do with it with this magazine? And I give you the answer: ALL.

La search for mobility has become a cornerstone for any self-respecting crossfitter, because everything starts from there: in being able to perform each skill with technique and precision that we read in the most varied WODs.

There are countless times in which we have reiterated the concept:


And here yoga comes into play, an activity that in addition to doing good for the mind, is very good for the body! Especially for women, which I want to focus on today.

I started in this lockdown to do some lessons and I must say that I immediately fell in love, so I would like to share with you 4 perfect yoga positions for us, the lionesses of the box.

Warrior 1

Bring your left leg back and bend your right knee while holding it above your right ankle. Place your left foot flat at a 45 degree angle.

Make sure your right ankle and foot are at a 90 degree angle (pointing forward) and that your right heel is aligned with your left heel.

Keep your torso straight and raise your arms up, fingertips up. Look forward, with your head in a neutral position. Hold for a few breaths and repeat towards the other side.

Benefits of this position

Position of the Pigeon King

Sitting on the ground with your right knee bent, your left leg long behind you, forming an angle between your left shin and your thigh bone.

Get down on your elbows or forehead, and relax by bending forward over your shin. Hold the pose for 1 to 5 minutes. Release and repeat on the other side.


Forward bend - Prasarita Padottanasana

Standing on the mat, keep your legs wide apart.

Bend forward with your hips and bring your arms up or rest them on the floor.

For a greater stretch, hold them behind your back, with your hands crossed. Stay there for five breaths.


Lightning Position - Vajrasana

Sit back on your heels and relax. Stay in position for 5 breaths.

Train this position until you stay 3 minutes a day. If it seems too easy, lean forward and place your hands on the floor to take some of your weight off your heels.


Did you like these positions? Is there any other yoga that you think is essential? Write it in the comments! And remember to follow us on our dedicated Telegram channel


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