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5 gymnastic exercises to improve our physical conditions


We have already talked about theimportance of mobility body for those who do CrossFit® or other physical activities. THE benefits they are many: you can work specifically some parts of the body o improve mobility in general.

Some gymnastic exercises are great for improving our physical condition, perfecting mobility, strengthen the core and balance, thus making our body more agile, flexible and mobile.

5 gymnastic exercises to improve our physical conditions

1) Invert Leg Stretch

Let's start with something simple and then move on to the more complicated ones.

This exercise aims to stretch the legs but in a different way: it is more focused on mobility and helps prepare our body for theexplosiveness CrossFit®.

How to perform the exercise

In a standing position, spread your legs slightly more than shoulder width apart. Try touching your right foot with your right hand and keeping your left hand above your head, lean to the other side and do the same with your left hand.

It won't be easy to keep your legs straight, but do your best.

Account 10 seconds in each position and change. Repeat 10 times on each side.

2) Kneeling Rockers

This is an excellent exercise to do like warm up. It is a plantar flexion mobility exercise, which helps a lot in preventing foot and ankle injuries.

How to perform the exercise

Sit on the floor with your legs under you, the top of your feet resting on the floor and the bottom under your buttocks.

Place your hands on the sides to maintain balance and push your hips forward using your legs as a support. This will flex the quadriceps and test the resistance of the ankle.

Do 3 sets of 10 seconds keeping that position. At an advanced level, you can run 3 sets of 25 seconds in position.

Due to the nature of this warm-up, it is important to remember not to stretch your ankles excessively when stretching. Overextension can cause muscle tension.

3) Hollow Body Hold

This exercise strengthens the abdominal muscles and creates complete body tension. The more stable you are in this position, the better the transfer of force from top to bottom.

This will help improve practically all your physical abilities.

How to perform the exercise

The position is lying on your back, with your legs together and your arms above your head.

Contract your abdominal muscles and lift your legs keeping your head and shoulders a few inches above the floor.

At first, it can be difficult to hold this position for more than a few seconds, but before making any other changes, you need to stay in that position comfortably for at least 30 seconds.

The goal of this exercise is keep the body as firm as possible by contracting the affected muscles, because this will ensure that you get the most out of your movement.

This simple exercise will work wonders for your core and help you with some of the most difficult CrossFit® skills.

4) Hollow Body Pull-ups

Hollow Hold Pull up is very effective when doing pull ups, because it increases stability and makes you focus on two factors:

This position has great benefits, it increases the strength in the arms and consequently improves i pull up e strengthens the core.

How to perform the exercise

Hang on the bar with your arms straight, contracting your abs and buttocks and place your legs in front of you (your body should be L-shaped).

Make sure you keep this position throughout the reps; if you lose this position, the exercise will be easier and less effective.

Do as many repetitions as possible, gradually increasing over time. Once you are comfortable with normal grip, you can introduce variations of pinch (made with three fingers)!

5) Handstand Walk

La handstand walk it is undoubtedly one of the most demanding exercises of CrossFit® and one of the most useful for those who master it.

Improve the shoulder stability, strengthens the core, improves balance and helps a lot in over the head press exercises.

Obviously it is not easy to learn, it takes a lot of practice and, in some cases, years of training!

The good thing about CrossFit® is that there are always variations for newbies and you can start there!

How to perform the exercise

Start by doing a vertical on the wall: your hands on the floor a few centimeters from the wall. Keep your fingers open as much as possible.

Lift one leg at a time from the wall to achieve the typical vertical position. Hold your position for as long as possible.

Repeat this movement two or three times; when you feel comfortable in this position against the wall, you can start with the no wall variant.

Ask a colleague to help you keep your feet upside down, repeating the movements you did before. How much safer you will feel then start taking small steps, always with the help of someone.

Train a lot with these two variations so in a short time you will be able to do the handstand walk without any help!


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