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7 reasons we love heavy, intense WODs

Are you sure there are reasons to love backbreaking WODs? Or are we crazy, is it over there?

In fact, the question sounds like an echo in your head when you really can't take it anymore: but who made me do it?

Then a deep breath, a reminder of the last hidden energies who knows where, and also the last rep… goes.

In short, you know the scene. So a few frills and let's get it inside, why there is a lot to talk about!

First reason: the competition

Ah, the competition!

One of the engines of the human spirit. From the epic masterpieces of ancient literature upwards, you find competition, competition, challenge, throughout human history. Clearly this sentiment has spilled over into sport.

With the exception of those few bears who train for the sake of training, alone, in the dim light of their home gym, everything else is competition.

And what's better than a grueling WOD for "to demonstrate"?

Second reason: the pat on the back

As they say in the Anglo-Saxon world, “We're all in this together ". In fact, sharing is one of those feelings they have the power to bond seemingly unknown peopleregardless of gender, race, religion, and a thousand other fantastic constructions of the human brain.

Then put that on CrossFit® is a universal language - from sweat to kipping pull ups, from boxing mythology to corns that open - and the "omelette" is done.

Third reason: drugs

But no, not that!

Improvement is a drug (proven), and can be addictive.

Yesterday there were nine reps, today they are ten. Yesterday it was two minutes and ten, today you are just under two. Yesterday you couldn't put a row two push ups, today you're at one arm push ups how to laugh.

And so on. Everything conquered becomes a source of pride. And we want more: oh yes.

Fourth reason: we have traces of masochistic behavior

Some like to be whipped, others love to feel the bar getting heavier, breathing becomes more labored, lactate accumulating in the leg muscles

Being whipped while doing push press? Mmmm, this is an interesting prospect!

Fifth reason: we love surprises

And do you know what one of the most beautiful surprises is? Finding out you've made it.

We didn't think we were going to get to that clean & jerk, and now we are. We enjoy the thrill, and we are ready for the next step.

And if you have a long chain of micro-surprises along your sporting path, you can not help but enjoy practically every single workout, because (days not excluded - but even those are needed) every day you will realize that you have done something more, which you did not think possible.

Sixth reason: humility

There is a time for bold feelings, and one for humility. CrossFit® teaches us that a loser workout can happen to anyone: yes, even to us invincible super athletes.

Learning to manage them without breaking down, and understanding how to channel the annoyance of one bad workout into motivation for the next one, is a gift to be kept with care.

Seventh reason: endorphins

Yup, endorphins are addictive. True.

And now excuse me, I'm going over there to train.

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