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It's time to swing! (Exercise, not dance)

kettlebell swing

Disclaimer: We are used to hearing about “kettlebell swings”. In this article I will only call it "swing": 98% of it is performed with a kettlebell for convenience. pinch (made with three fingers), but whatever implementation you can swing without it flying off you and landing on something breakable is fine.

How not to swing

Quick answer: copying the guy who is doing it next to you in the weight room.

He's probably doing it wrong.

This is because the swing is part of that category of little understood exercises, but "I do the same because on Instagram I saw that".

Too bad to get the best out of the time you spend doing hip hinge (and without hurting yourself), you have to do it technically right.

How to swing

Let's talk about the two-handed swing.

Variants of the two-handed swing

What I have described to you above is generally defined russian kettlebell swing. The American variant plans to bring the kettlebell over your head (but it is a movement that can be limited by the mobility of the athlete).

There are also a series of one-handed variations of the swing:

Benefits of the swing

We said: doing it well means getting the most:

Everything you need to know to swing at your best

... we also said that performing this movement incorrectly carries a risk of accident.


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