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EZ barbell: benefits and best exercises

Il EZ barbell, also known as kambered barbell, is a piece of equipment used in gyms, especially useful for training biceps and triceps.

It is a steel bar, whose main characteristic is the pinch (made with three fingers) curve. Let's discover together all the benefits of using this barbell and the best exercises in which to use it.

EZ barbell vs classic barbell

The classic barbell is probably the oldest gym machine in the world! This tool forces the biceps to supination (palms facing forward in the lower position) throughout the entire range of movement.

Supination activates both the short head and the long head of the bicep and allows you to lift a greater load. The increased overload allowed by the straight bar does not eliminate the many benefits of the EZ bar.

The use of this barbell it allows a minor supination and the activation of the external head of the biceps at the expense of the internal one.

La main difference between the two is the handle; in addition, the EZ barbell is much shorter than the traditional barbell, making it ideal for home gyms and athletes with limited space.

In general, there is no best and no worst, both barbells are useful and recommended in different exercises.

EZ balance wheel benefits

Let's see the major benefits of using the EZ barbell:

When to use an EZ barbell?

This barbell is mainly used for exercises that involve biceps and triceps; let's see the best exercises to make the most of it:

Disadvantages of using EZ rocker

When performing the bicep curl, using the EZ bar prevents complete contraction of the biceps, which can only occur with the wrist fully supinated and therefore may be a less effective exercise.

Therefore, the straight bar is better for activating the biceps because it puts the forearms in full supination; it is actually superior in terms of muscle growth.

Furthermore, it is best to avoid heavy lifts with the EZ bar, like squatting e deadlifts; While it is possible to perform the movements with the EZ Curl Bar, it is more suitable for isolation exercises due to its small construction and lightweight design.

And you, do you use the EZ bar for your exercises? Let us know in the comments!

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