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Bird Dog: How to Do It and Variations

Functional training has become increasingly popular in recent years, as it aims to improve the force, stability and mobility of the body in a complete way. Among the most effective and versatile functional exercises is the “Bird Dog”.

This movement, despite the curious name, is extremely effective in strengthen different muscle groups and improve balance. Today we will see in detail how to correctly perform the Bird Dog and what its variations are.

What is the Bird Dog?

The Bird Dog is a basic exercise that involves the all fours position and alternate extension of the arms and legs.

The name comes from the fact that, during execution, the body takes on a shape similar to a dog and a bird that extends.

This movement was originally developed to improve trunk stability and balance, but it offers numerous other benefits, including strengthening the back, buttock and abdominal muscles core.

How is the Bird Dog performed?

Performing the Bird Dog correctly requires good technique and body control. Follow these steps to perform the exercise safely and effectively:

Initial position

Start by positioning yourself on all fours on the fitness mat. Your hands should be directly under your shoulders and your knees directly under your hips.

Keep your neck in a neutral position, aligned with your spine.

Contrary Extension

Begin by slowly extending your right arm forward and left leg backward, keeping both parallel to the floor.

Keep your pelvis neutral and your core engaged to stabilize your body.

Maintaining Position

Once you reach the fully extended position, maintain stability for a few seconds, making sure to keep your back flat and your core engaged.

Return to the Initial Position

Slowly lower your arm and leg, returning to the starting position on all fours. Make sure you maintain control of the movement during the return.


Repeat the movement with the opposite arm and leg. Alternate between sides for the desired number of repetitions.

Muscles Trained by the Bird Dog

The Bird Dog is a highly effective exercise that involves several muscle groups, including:

Bird Dog Variants

Here are some popular variations:

* With Weights

To increase the challenge and intensity of the exercise, you can hold a light weight in your hands during the arm extension.

This will help further engage your arm and shoulder muscles.

* with elastic bands

Use a resistance band around your ankles or hands to add resistance as you extend your arm or leg.

This will increase muscle engagement and help improve strength and endurance.

* with Medicine Ball

Place a medicine ball under your chest or pelvis while performing the Bird Dog.

This will increase the stability required to maintain the position and further engage the core muscles.

* Timed

Perform the Bird Dog at a faster pace, quickly alternating between arm and leg extensions. This will help improve your endurance and keep your heart rate elevated.

* with Opposed Chest and Leg

Instead of extending one arm and leg at a time, extend your right arm and left leg at the same time, and vice versa.

This variation requires greater coordination and stabilization, involving the core muscles more.

* with Barbell or Kettlebell

If you're looking for a greater challenge to your strength, you can perform the Bird Dog by holding a barbell or kettlebell in one hand while extending your arm.

Make sure you maintain good form and balance your weight evenly.

* One Leg

Lift one leg off the floor as you extend your opposite arm, keeping the rest of your body stable.

This variation increases instability and requires greater core engagement to maintain balance.

And you, did you know the Bird Dog and its variants? Let us know in the comments and don't forget to follow us on our telegram channel

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