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Breakfasts for a Flat Stomach: 3 Delicious Options

La breakfast is often considered the most important meal of the day, and can play a vital role in maintaining a flat stomach and good digestive health.

Choosing the right foods in the morning can influence ours metabolism and provide the energy needed to face the day.

Here are three examples of breakfasts that not only satisfy the palate, but also help maintain a flat stomach!

Energizing Green Smoothie

“Green” smoothies are an excellent choice to start the day with a burst of nutrients and energy. These smoothies are rich in vitamins, minerals and fibre, essential to support the digestive system and keep it healthy.

For an energizing green smoothie, you will need:

Place all the ingredients in the blender and blend until you obtain a creamy consistency.

This smoothie provides a balanced combination of carbohydrates, protein and healthy fats, as well as being rich in fibre, which helps maintain a feeling of satiety and supports intestinal health.

Avocado Toast with Eggs and Tomato

The avocado is an excellent source of healthy monounsaturated fats, which can help reduce inflammation and promote regular digestion.

Combined with the protein from the eggs and the freshness of the tomato, you get a balanced and delicious meal.

Here's what you need:

Toast the slice of wholemeal bread and spread the mashed avocado on top. Place the egg on top of the avocado and garnish with tomato slices. Add salt and pepper to taste.

This meal is rich in healthy fats, protein and fiber and helps keep hunger at bay and promote a flat stomach.

Yogurt with Berries and Homemade Granola

Yogurt is one excellent source of probiotics, which promote intestinal health. Combined with antioxidant-rich berries and homemade granola, you get a tasty and nutritious breakfast.

Here's what you need for granola:

Mix the granola ingredients and cook them in the oven until golden.

For the Room, you will need:

Pour the yogurt into a bowl, add the berries and sprinkle with the freshly prepared granola.

This meal provides a combination of probiotics, antioxidants and fibre, helping to maintain a healthy intestinal environment and support digestion.

In conclusion, breakfast can be a time of day in which to make conscious choices for our digestive health. Experiment with these breakfast options for a flat stomach and find out which one best suits your taste and nutritional needs.

Always remember to combine a balanced diet with an active lifestyle to achieve the best results for your overall health.

And you, how do you pamper yourself in the morning for breakfast? Let us know in the comments and remember to follow us on our telegram channel


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