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Cossack Squat: what it is, benefits and how to do it

A large amount of weightlifting exercises, in CrossFit® and fitness in general, are performed in the sagittal plane.

While it is possible to make great progress with these exercises, neglecting the other cardinal planes can cause the body to be more prone to injury and not reach its full athletic potential.

In this article we will discover the Cossack squat, a variation of the squat that should be included in your workout.

What is the Cossack squat?

Il Cossack squat is a variation of the squat in which you squat on one leg while keeping the other leg straight to the side.

It is a more difficult variant than the classic squat, as mobility and force of the crouched leg are put to the test, while the adductors and biceps of the straight leg are considerably stressed.

The Cossack squat can be used both as strengthening exercise and as a warm-up movement, depending on the difficulty and variant.

Benefits of the Cossack squat

The Cossack squat offers tremendous benefits not found in other lower body exercises; this is mainly due to the wider position of the feet and the fact that the two legs move differently.

Let's see the advantages in detail:

Muscles involved

The Cossack squat works a broad spectrum of lower body muscles:

Since the legs work in different positions, the Cossack squat stimulates the muscles more than the traditional squat, improving coordination and balance.


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