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CrossFit: a drama called Overhead Squat

Overhead Squat

"L 'Overhead Squat it's the perfect core exercise, and is unmatched in helping to develop efficient athletic movement. "

Thus the official website of the Crossfit.

But I should have opened this article with a quote from Freddy Krueger.

That of Nightmare, yes.

Why learn to have a Overhead Squat dignified is a long and frustrating process, and on the scale of psychology lies between the voices "drama" and "nightmare".


Unhealthy introduction to the Overhead Squat

in squatting "Without specifications", the barbell loads on the back. Serious powerlifters start to itch the trapezes just to hear of it, many common users of the gym shake their legs.

The card said "Wednesday: leg day", and tomorrow morning getting out of bed will be an odyssey.

Of Olympic derivation, the front squat plans to accommodate the barbell in the rack position. Welcome to those spectacular quadriceps we see on Chinese weightlifters (and on Dmitry Koklov).

To complete a kind of "sacred triad" of the squat with barbell - which in any case does not exhaust the variants of this fundamental movement - the Overhead Squat is performed by keeping the weight above the head thanks to strong, well-extended and perfectly coordinated arms.

[recorded laughter]

Of the three rises it is the one that requires the most precision and flexibility.

So much so that it is advisable to approach it only after having learned perfected air squat and front squat.


Overhead squat and technique

During the movement, the barbell must stand in line with the shoulders, pelvis and knees. Compared to the head, the load is slightly further back to allow a more controllable “joint”.

When the bar moves forward, you risk compromising the movement.

The technical details to be taken care of for one good execution they are different, not least the pinch (made with three fingers).

In fact, the ideal distance between the hands is given by the angle between the arms, which must be about 90 °. A wider angle will make the bar fall backwards, a narrower one will make it lean forward.


A list of difficulties

If you are at the beginning of your career of CrossFit athlete, these are the things that can go wrong while you perform the Overhead Squat.


All clear? Has your fear muscle not even moved?

You're a tough guy! But I have what suits you.

Load a barbell, and give me an elegant movement "from snatch to Overhead Squat"- the natural evolution ofOH squat. Good fun!


© photo @carlovittorio_video
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