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The 2023 CrossFit® Games Announce First WODs in Madison

The wait is finally over for CrossFit® enthusiasts around the world: The 2023 CrossFit® Games have begun to unveil the first WODs athletes will face during the competition, which will be held in Madison August 1-6.

The first announced WOD is a special version of the famous benchmark “Helen”. This WOD is a test of endurance and force, combining running, kettlebell swings and pull-ups.

First wod Helen - what is it?

Traditionally, the Helen benchmark predicts:

3 rounds for time

However, given the high level of competition at the 2023 CrossFit® Games, it is likely that this “special version” del Helen is even more demanding and tests the resistance and determination of the athletes.

To ensure a fair and inclusive competition, the first WOD will be the same for all categories of athletes: Individuals, age groups and Adaptive (of course adjusted according to the categories).

Second wod: cross-country 5k run

But the surprises don't end there. The second WOD announced is a 5km cross-country race for athletes (only athletes in the "lower limbs" category will complete 5 km on the SkiErg).

In the announcement post, Chris Hinshaw, founder and CEO of Aerobic Capacity and endurance coach to some of the best CrossFit athletes in the world, commented the following:

“Running a distance of 5.000 meters is a true test of overall athletic fitness. It requires a unique combination of physiological factors such as aerobic capacity, lactate threshold, running economy, and psychological factors such as motivation and perceived effort."

We went checking the hundreds of thousands of posts on Beyond the White Board for the best 5k times (overall, not cross-country) and what we got was

  • To be among the top 1% you must arrive before: 19:27 pm (men) and 21:53 pm (women).
    To be among the top 10% you must arrive before: 22:11 pm (men) and 24:53 pm (women).
    To be among the top 50% you must arrive before: 26:48 pm (men) and 29:29 pm (women).

CrossFit® Games are known for testing the strength, endurance, agility and determination of athletes from around the world. The announcements of the first two WODs have generated great excitement among enthusiasts and athletes themselves as they prepare to challenge for the title of “Fittest on Earth” (the fittest in the world).

Third Wod: olympic weightlifting total

Another wod announced is a weighlifting challenge:

Athletes will have dtwo attempts for each movement and a maximum time of 20 seconds to perform them.

The appointment is for Saturday August 5. Therefore, yesOnly the top 30 will have the opportunity to take this test. In fact, at the end of the day on August 4, only the 30 best teams and the 30 best men and women will pass.

Then, at the end of Saturday 5 August, the 20 best teams and the 20 best men and women will qualify.

More revelations

Just in these days other clues of WOD have been released. As was to be expected, we will see athletes juggling advanced gymnastics skills. The offending exercises have not been revealed, but some video clips suggest handstand walks (probably with pirouettes) and L-SIT on parallettes.

As the start date of the Games approaches, the athletes are preparing to face these challenges with the utmost commitment and dedication. The competitive atmosphere and mutual support among athletes will make the CrossFit® Games an exciting and engaging event for all participants and spectators.

CrossFit® enthusiasts will need to stay tuned to find out the other WODs that will be announced in the coming weeks.

It will surely be an unforgettable experience to see the athletes face these tests and demonstrate their ability and resilience in the most prestigious CrossFit® competition in the world.

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