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CrossFit ® in pregnancy? Alice Mastriani tells us her point of view

She is Roman, born in 1988, elite athlete, level 1 coach, physiotherapist, osteopathy student, influencer (135k followers!), Entrepreneur (she has a clothing line, Mastriani Wear) and, soon, she will become a mother! Wow… Alice Mastriani, for me, is a myth!

I've been following her for a long time and have always been fascinated by everything she does. I have seen her compete and I must say she is incredible, inside and out floor, a complete athlete.

Since she got pregnant, she has started telling fans about her daily life, her workouts and how she is experiencing this beautiful period of her life.

The topic of fitness in pregnancy is still little explored and there is a lot of prejudice; just read the comments under the videos and photos of Alice with a barbell, while she trains in the 8th month of pregnancy ...
“Can it be done?”, “Isn't it dangerous?”, “Are you crazy?”… And it doesn't stop there.

Of course, each woman is unique and what Alice can do may not be for you. She is keen to point out that she was immediately followed by hers coach Matteo Fuzzi, by her nutritionist and her trusted gynecologist.

I admit: I am not well informed on the subject and I too had some doubts and / or perplexities seeing her do WODs which, for my level, are already intense. This piqued my curiosity and I thought I'd give her an interview.

I will leave the word to Alice Mastriani to tell her point of view on training during pregnancy.

Here you are, the exclusive interview with Alice Mastriani:

Hi Ali! It is a real pleasure to chat with you, you are an inspiration to many of us! Now, as I said before, training during pregnancy is a little covered topic. There are still so many prejudices and so many fears.

Even some gynecologists argue that no effort should be made ... We know that you are a physiotherapist and that you are studying Osteopathy. In your opinion, has this helped you to be more prepared?

Unfortunately you said something very true. Currently there is still some prejudice on the part of health professionals regarding physical activity in pregnancy, even when there are no contraindications in performing it.

My course of study and work certainly gave me the basics of anatomy and physiology in more ... but the in-depth studies I did to learn more about these topics were "extras". What helped me the most was my passion for sport, which I have always had.

How has your training routine changed with pregnancy? Do you still train 5 times a week?

Yes, I have a training plan that is structured over 5 days for about 45 '- 1H considering both the warm-up and the cool down, in addition to the workout.

What has changed is certainly the volume of training and the type of exercises I perform.

I guess your diet and supplementation has changed too, right?

My diet is softer ... I decided from day one that I wanted to live it peacefully and definitely enjoy it. I haven't gone all out every day, but I haven't made too many sacrifices either.

I kept my previous food plan basic by adjusting the quantities a little and definitely increasing them protein.

My supplement, on the other hand, is based on specific pregnancy multivitamins and iron. The magnesium and collagen for the joints remained unchanged from before pregnancy and also the use of synthetic proteins that I use as snacks.

For a while I also took blueberry to promote blood circulation.

On your Instagram account you are giving a lot of advice to expectant women who don't know how to keep exercising. In one of the videos, you talked about adapting workouts based on the trimester… Can you explain us a little better? 

Yes that's right, I'm still working on a way to make this content smarter and more handy !! I hope to come to a conclusion soon!!

First, I specify that the contents they are purely for CrossFitters mothers-to-be, that is, who already practiced CrossFit® before becoming pregnant and who have the consent of their gynecologist and their coach.

Each quarter provides for changes and adaptations to be implemented regarding weight percentages, exercises allowed and those not recommended. 

It must also be said that being a very delicate and above all subjective topic, there are no absolute guidelines on this matter.

For example, there are women who choose to go full house squatting until the end of time and others, like me, who stopped in the second quarter.

I repeat: often we go a lot in feeling or in any case we rely on our coach who chooses the best path for us.

Here, speaking of exercises, are there some to avoid?

Yes, there are some exercises that it would be better not to do. For example, GHD is not recommended right away!

As for the others, as I told you before, they depend on the line you choose to follow. Prone exercises, such as i burpees, rack exercises and many others are subjective.

I'm sorry to be evasive, but as mentioned a moment ago it is extremely subjective and personal.

We understand perfectly ... Instead, what many women ask themselves is: abs, which ones to do and which to avoid?

Here, too, there would be a separate article to do! The GHD is absolutely forbidden right away.

In the first trimester the abdomen is still allowed both supine free body and attached to the bar. In the second, the work on the abdomen is increasingly reduced, while maintaining the plank and some exercises for the lateral abdomen.

If you are still able to work on the barre, you can do some exercises in suspension (always respecting your sensations, which are the most indicative).

In the third trimester, we say goodbye to our abdomen exercises and tell them to meet again after the birth J

One of the biggest concerns is the barbell… as your baby bump grows, isn't there a risk of getting hurt?

Personally, the movements with the barbell are the ones I feel most confidential. It is assumed that the exercises are performed with weights that are easily managed by those who practice them.

If this is not the case, it would be advisable to further lower the weight or consider changing the tool. I can speak to you from personal experience, but I have never "entangled" the barbell in the belly!

We saw a video where you did the handstand walk: in itself it is a complicated skill, what is it like to do it with the belly?

I tell you right away that in my programming Neither HandstandPushup nor Handstandwalk are provided in the third quarter, but that day I wanted to try and so I turned upside down !!

Well .. not having a strong and stable core anymore it is quite complicated to keep the balance in this position ... but surprisingly I managed to do it even if not in a very fluid way as before !!

You did it great, I enjoyed seeing you! Our women from the CrossMAG community asked us if you have a pregnancy workout to recommend?

On my Instagram profile I have posted so many and many girls write to me or tag me when they do them and it gives me a huge pleasure !!

Obviously, they are not workouts that I create, but my coach Matteo Fuzzi. I share one made a few days ago, always from its programming.

EMOM 24 '

  1. 5-7 wb shot 90 ° + max reps burpees pregnant
  2. 8-10 pronated barbell rows + max cal assault bike
  3. Rest

Thank you so much Alice! Just to close, I'm curious: are you going to go straight back to do some post-partum races?

Absolutely yes !! I can't wait to go back to training properly and to do some competitions especially for the emotions that the competition floor gives me !!

We wish you all the best! Thanks Alice Mastriani for this wonderful interview and for having debunked so many myths about training during pregnancy.


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