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Kettlebells, Elastics and TRX are the tools for those who train at home

In this period of closure of the gyms there are some tools that have proved to be successful in Home Fitness training; I'm talking about Kettlebell, rubber bands and the TRX (or similar).

I too, training tens of thousands of people online through my Videos on Social Channels (Youtube, Facebook, Instagram), I realized how the demand for specific training with these tools has greatly increased.

I feel these tools are formidable both for the physical improvement but also simply for stay healthy. If you are a lover of good training you absolutely must learn to master them.

What are Kettlebells, Elastics and TRX?

We can consider these tools as the basis of functional training, that is the discipline that places the body and its free movements in the surrounding space.

If once those who trained did it mainly using the isotonic machinery typical of gyms, today there are more and more training enthusiasts who use tools such as kettlebells, elastics and suspension straps to keep fit.

These tools they take up little space and are ideal for training in any situation; plus they have the advantage that they cost relatively little and with a single tool you can perform dozens of exercises.

For these reasons they have had a widespread diffusion among fitness lovers.

Why is it successful to train like this?

Thanks to these functional tools you can develop all essential skills for physical improvement, since all can be done fundamental movements, which will allow you to train all muscle groups according to their functioning for kinetic chains.

Our body was created to move freely: run, jump, pull, throw, climb… We were not created to sit on a machine and move as it forces us, otherwise it would be the ruin for any body.

Thanks to functional exercises you will be able to work with all the muscles of the body, allow the intervention of all the stabilizers, improve motor coordination, consume more calories, improve the force, endurance and speed.

This is training!

Tools like the Kettlebells, the Elastics, the TRX are among the best training tools for Functional Training. 

They allow you to train wherever you want:

The Advantages of Functional Work

Thanks to the use of tools such as Kettlebell, Elastics and TRX the whole body will be able to develop harmoniously. In particular, it will be possible to improve the qualities:

In conclusion…

As you can see, the advantages of using these tools are many. Anyone who wants to train in a winning way, with the aim of achieving their goals (both aesthetic and general well-being), must take seriously the use of these tools.

I am sure that from week to week the workouts will involve you more and more and you will no longer be able to do without these tools.

At your best physical shape ever!

Umberto Miletto graduated in Sports Sciences with a specialization in Training Sciences and Techniques. He is the most followed Personal Trainer in Italy with over 1 million followers among the various Social platforms.
Co-founder of the Burningate company, leader of training for Calisthenics and owner of the Ironlink Srl company, for the production of equipment dedicated to bodyweight training.
FB page: Umberto Miletto Personal Trainer
IG page: Umberto Miletto


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