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German volume training: typical exercises and tips

Il German Volume Training (GVT) is a high-intensity exercise program that aims to build muscle mass and force, necessary for professional powerlifters to push their limits.

The training program includes a high number of sets and repetitions with short rest periods in between.

GVT stimulates the muscles, which respond by triggering muscle growth. This training method helps bodybuilders and powerlifters build strength and gain muscle and lean mass.

Is German Volume Training Really Effective?

GVT makes muscles work repetitively and forces them to work at high intensity; the body responds to the stress of GVT by triggering muscle growth, known as hypertrophy.

Although the GVT program has 10 sets of each exercise, there may still be benefits even with fewer sets; this may depend on the body's reaction to the new training program.

Some research points to the benefits of doing fewer than 10 sets, in terms of:

Performing from 4 to 6 series can still bring results, avoiding overtraining.

10 × 10 exercise plan

In GVT a 10 × 10 workout involves performing 10 sets for 10 repetitions of 10 different exercises. Doing this number of sets and exercises using high loads ensures your muscles are working at their maximum; this helps in building strength and mass.

Exercises may vary in GVT and some protocols require fewer sets and repetitions; the load must be the same for all series, it will then increase with the increase in strength.

Il rest time between sets should be 60/90 seconds.  The muscle groups must be trained every other day (never on short days) and you must allow yourself a full day of rest per week.

Typical exercises of German Volume Training

Among the main exercises proposed in the GVT we find:

Nutrition tips for German Volume Training

A healthy eating plan goes hand in hand with a focused training plan; For best results you need to follow a solid nutrition plan that includes lots of calories and healthy food options. In this diet, the following must never be missing:

Is German Volume Training suitable for everyone?

Il GVT is a high intensity training plan and is not suitable for beginners; before starting such a workout, always contact a professional personal trainer, who will be able to show you the right targeted workout for you and your goals.

Even competitive athletes and athletes who prepare competitions and competitions do not draw up their workout planning by themselves, but are in turn followed by other professionals; asking for help and contacting competent figures is always the best choice for one's well-being and objectives.

And you, did you know German Volume Training? Have you ever tried it? Let us know in the comments!

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